连接风格: 箭头: A-->B 带点的: A-.-->B 不带箭头 A---B 带标签: A-->|label|B 图表类型: graph, pie, gantt, sequenceDiagram, stateDiagram, classDiagram, erDiagram, journey, C4Context 甘特图: 任务状态:down, active, crit, after section 饼图: tittle 甘特图: 动作: commit, branch, ch...
在这里,你可以找到有关 Mermaid 的基础知识、语法和用例的信息。此外,你还可以在该网站的“Examples”...
通过序列图,我们可以把存钱的过程如下描述出来: sequenceDiagram 客户->>银行柜台: 我要存钱 银行柜台->>后台: 改一下这个账户数字哦 后台->>银行柜台: 账户的数字改完了,明天起息 银行柜台->>客户: 好了,给你回单 ,下一位 我们注意到,只要通过 ->> 和冒号 这种简单的文本标记,就能把各种关系和方向清晰的...
sequenceDiagram participant Alice participant Bob Alice->>Bob: Hello Bob, how are you? Bob-->>Alice: I am good thanks! 序列图展示了两个参与者之间的交互过程,例如 Alice 和 Bob 之间的对话。 甘特图 (Gantt Diagram) gantt title 项目开发时间线 dateFormat YYYY-MM-DD section 设计 需求分析 :de...
sequenceDiagram Alcie->>Johb:hello John,how are you?John-->>Alice:Great! 3、状态图(stateDiagram) 代码语言:javascript 复制 stateDiagram[*]-->s1 s1-->[*] 4、类图 代码语言:javascript 复制 classDiagram Class01<|--AveryLongClass:Cool<<Interface>>Class01 ...
Use a sequence diagram to illustrate the interactions between different APIs and services within your application. Begin by identifying the components involved in the interaction and the sequence of messages exchanged between them. This diagram can help developers understand how different parts of the sy...
mermaid sequencediagram语法 Mermaid Sequence Diagram是一种用于绘制序列图的标记语言,它的语法类似于Markdown,简洁易用。以下是Mermaid Sequence Diagram的基本语法: 1.序列图标题: ``` sequenceDiagram participant Person1 participant Person2 ... ```...
Code examples below:An example of a flowchartgraph TD; A-->B; A-->C; B-->D; C-->D; An example of a sequence diagramsequenceDiagram participant Alice participant Bob Alice->John: Hello John, how are you? loop Healthcheck John->John: Fight against hypochondria end Note right of ...
Mermaid Diagram Examples Looking for a template to build your Mermaid diagram from? Here are a few examples of technical diagram types and the code used to generate them. Sequence Diagram sequenceDiagram participant Customer participant Chatbot ...
sequenceDiagram Alice->>John: Hello John, how are you? loop HealthCheck John->>John: Fight against hypochondria end Note right of John: Rational thoughts! John-->>Alice: Great! John->>Bob: How about you? Bob-->>John: Jolly good!