流程图(Flow Chart) 时序图(Sequence Diagram) 状态图(State Diagram) 甘特图(Gantt Diagram) 类图(class Diagram) 用户旅程图 饼图 Pie Chart,中文也称之为“饼状图”,是一种常用的数据可视化工具,可以用于展示不同部分之间的占比关系。使用Mermaid 绘制饼形图也十分简单,只需要按照以下格式编写即可: pie title...
Thanks to Jessica Peter for inspiration and starting point for gantt rendering. Thank you to Tyler Long who has been a collaborator since April 2017. Thank you to the ever-growing list of contributors that brought the project this far!
Project timeline Plan your next project with a Gantt chart, visualizing the timeline and dependencies of various tasks. Begin by listing all the tasks required to complete the project and their estimated durations. Arrange these tasks on a timeline, showing their start and end dates. Highlight de...
mermaidAPI gantt Vue.js #621 Gantt sections are not separated by colors - Fix: set numberSectionStyles to 4 instead of 3 #620 how to get mermaidAPI? #617 Error in startOnLoad documentation? #616 Example export to SVG generates error #614 The new online editor does not support previously ...
mermaidAPI gantt Vue.js #621Gantt sections are not separated by colors - Fix: set numberSectionStyles to 4 instead of 3 #620how to get mermaidAPI? #617Error in startOnLoad documentation? #616Example export to SVG generates error #614
127 gantt?: GanttDiagramConfig; 128 journey?: JourneyDiagramConfig; 129 timeline?: TimelineDiagramConfig; 130 class?: ClassDiagramConfig; 131 state?: StateDiagramConfig; 132 er?: ErDiagramConfig; 133 pie?: PieDiagramConfig; 134 quadrantChart?: QuadrantChartConfig; ...
The arrows indicate the flow of the chart, with Yes and No labels representing the different paths based on the decision. Once I enter this code in Notion, it automatically generates the corresponding flowchart, which I can then customize and edit as needed. I can change the colors, add ...
+ +There are plenty of other diagrams supported by mermaid such as: + +Pie chart + +```mermaid +pie +"Dogs" : 386 +"Cats" : 85.9 +"Rats" : 15 +``` + +Bar chart + +```mermaid +gantt + title Git Issues - days since last update + dateFormat X + axisFormat %s + + ...
mermaidAPI gantt Vue.js #621 Gantt sections are not separated by colors - Fix: set numberSectionStyles to 4 instead of 3 #620 how to get mermaidAPI? #617 Error in startOnLoad documentation? #616 Example export to SVG generates error #614 The new online editor does not support previously ...
mermaidAPI gantt Vue.js #621 Gantt sections are not separated by colors - Fix: set numberSectionStyles to 4 instead of 3 #620 how to get mermaidAPI? #617 Error in startOnLoad documentation? #616 Example export to SVG generates error #614 The new online editor does not support previously ...