使用sequenceDiagram开始序列图 participant定义参与者 使用->>表示消息传递 在线网址里浏览一下效果 (3)类图 (Class Diagram) 类图用于展示面向对象设计中的类结构。 classDiagram class Animal { +name: string +age: int +makeSound() void } class Dog { ...
{ "mermaid": { "sequenceDiagram": { "mirrorActors": false } } } All mermaid configuration options are supported. Theme handling Default values Based on the theme used in Visual Studio Code, the plugin default themes are: forest for light and dark for dark. These values can be changed wit...
The code above allows you to define a class in HTML that renders it as Mermaid.js syntax. Alternatively, you can install theMarkdown Preview Mermaid Supporton Visual Studio Code, which is a plugin to showcase your diagrams and charts. There are further installation alternatives onMermaid’s Gi...
On Visual Studio Code: Open an existing .md file or create a new one. When you type a Mermaid code block (```mermaid), the “MermaidEditor” menu will automatically appear at the top of the editor. Click “MermaidEditor” to open the diagram editor in the right pane. From the top t...
https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=bierner.markdown-mermaid So you can have a single syntax with VS Code and ADO. Howard, I would try nesting the syntax and see if it works: ::: mermaid ... diagram ... ::: 0 Oct 25, 2024 6:55 PM AM Alex Mc...
diagrammermaidjsdiagram-as-code UpdatedDec 7, 2024 TypeScript jfcere/ngx-markdown Star1.1k Code Issues Pull requests Angular markdown component/directive/pipe/service to parse static, dynamic or remote content to HTML with syntax highlight and more... ...
Easily create complex diagrams from plain text or code and collaborate with team members. Overview: MermaidChart is a cutting-edge text based digital tool designed to simplify the creation of visual diagrams using simple text-based definitions. From flowcharts to sequence diagrams, MermaidChart transf...
classDiagram Class01 <|-- AveryLongClass: Cool <<interface>> Class01 Class09-->C2: Where am i? Class09 --\* C3 Class09 --|> Class07 Class07: equals() Class07: Object[] elementData Class01: size() Class01: int chimp Class01: int gorilla class Class10 { <<service>> int id si...
Visual Studio Code Polyglot Interactive Notebooks CRM/ERP/Similar coreBOS Blogs WordPress WordPress Markdown Editor WP-ReliableMD Hexo hexo-filter-mermaid-diagrams hexo-tag-mermaid hexo-mermaid-diagrams Nextra Mermaid CMS VitePress Plugin for Mermaid.js VuePress Plugin for Mermaid.js Grav ...
Mermaid記法で記述したコードをリアルタイムで図に変換して表示するオンラインエディター。初学者が構文を試しながら学ぶのに最適です。 統合開発環境(IDE)プラグイン Visual Studio CodeやAtomなどの人気IDE用のMermaidプラグイン。開発環境内で直接Mermaid図を作成・編集できるようになります...