官方语法解释:https://mermaid.js.org/intro/#diagram-types 全英文网站,大家可以借助工具学习 Bilibili上AaaGss 的typora绘图合集视频也不错 流程图稀土掘金平台 天朝八阿哥 的笔记甘特图稀土掘金平台 天朝八阿哥 的笔记合集: Mermaid 分类: 整 好文要顶 关注我 收藏该文 微信分享 GisliW 粉丝- 10 关注- ...
¥Mermaid is a JavaScript based diagramming and charting tool that uses Markdown-inspired text definitions and a renderer to create and modify complex diagrams. The main purpose of Mermaid is to help documentation catch up with development. Doc-Rot 是 Mermaid 帮助解决的第 22 条军规。 ¥Doc-...
… only to have your dreams crushed by complains of diagram types not being supported and parse errors. Would be good to get periodic updated of Mermaid, now that it’s in there. Would also be good to get a little more consistency between Gighub & DevOps with wiki & diagrams … but t...
providing a foundation that you can customize to fit your specific needs. Templates help you get up and running quickly, especially when you need to create standard diagram types frequently.
Once your diagram is complete, simply save and return to Confluence! Mermaid Diagram Examples Looking for a template to build your Mermaid diagram from? Here are a few examples of technical diagram types and the code used to generate them. ...
of diagram types, including flowcharts, sequence diagrams, Gantt diagrams, class diagrams, Git graphs (experimental), Entity Relationship Diagrams (experimental), and User Journey Diagrams. If you are already familiar with Markdown, learning Mermaid's syntax should be straightforward.
Supported Diagram Types: Flowchart UML Class Diagram UML Sequence Diagram ER Diagram Download (Last Updated v0.4.1 on 8/25/2024) You can add the Mermaid Graphical Editor to Visual studio Code or Google Chrome directly from the links below: ...
Diagram types include flowcharts, user journeys, entity relationship diagrams and mind maps. Mermaid Diagrams Mermaid is a powerful digram and charting library that provides a syntax similar to markdown to generate data visualisations. Mermaid is now supported inside Github markdown and natively ...
These are configuration options that apply to Mermaid itself or all diagram types. They are listed here, as follows: theme (string) With this option, you set a predefined graphical theme. The possible values are default (the default value), base, forest, dark, and neutral. To stop any ...
71 * Used to register external diagram types. 72 * @param diagrams - Array of {@link ExternalDiagramDefinition}. 73 * @param opts - If opts.lazyLoad is false, the diagrams will be loaded immediately. 74 */ 75 declare const registerExternalDiagrams: (diagrams: ExternalDiagramDefinition[...