OD(11)之Mermaid时间线图(Timeline diagram)使用详解 1. 概述 1.1 Mermaid时间线图介绍 1.2 Mermaid时间线图实例 2. 具体使用 2.1 时间线数据(事件) 2.2 分组功能(section) 2.3 多行文本换行 2.4 修改配置颜色 2.5 更改默认主题色 OD(11)之Mermaid时间线图(Timeline diagram)使用详解 Author: Once Day Date: ...
gantt dateFormat YYYY-MM-DD axisFormat %Y-%m-%d tickInterval 0.5day title Adding Gantt Diagram to Project section Documentation Write specification :done, spec1, 2023-04-01, 3d Review specification :crit, active, after spec1, 2d 在这个示例中: dateFormat指定了输入格式为“年-月-日”。 axisForma...
最后输入数据集 label for a section in the pie diagram within " " quotes. Followed by : colon as separator Followed by positive numeric value (supported upto two decimal places)[pie] [title] [titlevalue] (OPTIONAL) "[datakey1]" : [dataValue1] "[datakey2]" : [dataValue2] "[datake...
sequenceDiagram participant Alice participant Bob Alice->>Bob: Hello Bob, how are you? Bob-->>Alice: I am good thanks! 序列图展示了两个参与者之间的交互过程,例如 Alice 和 Bob 之间的对话。 甘特图 (Gantt Diagram) gantt title 项目开发时间线 dateFormat YYYY-MM-DD section 设计 需求分析 :de...
docker run --rm -u`id -u`:`id -g`-v /path/to/diagrams:/data minlag/mermaid-cli -i diagram.mmd Or, if usingPodman, instead do: podman run --userns keep-id --user${UID}--rm -v /path/to/diagrams:/data:z ghcr.io/mermaid-js/mermaid-cli/mermaid-cli -i diagram.mmd ...
Mermaid can render Gantt diagrams. The code snippet below:%% Example of sequence diagram gantt title A Gantt Diagram section Section A task :a1, 2014-01-01, 30d Another task :after a1 , 20d section Another Task in sec :2014-01-12 , 12d anther task : 24d Renders the following diagram:...
docker run --rm -u`id -u`:`id -g`-v /path/to/diagrams:/data minlag/mermaid-cli -i diagram.mmd Or, if usingPodman, instead do: podman run --userns keep-id --user${UID}--rm -v /path/to/diagrams:/data:z ghcr.io/mermaid-js/mermaid-cli/mermaid-cli -i diagram.mmd ...
This option is the optional seed for deterministic ids. if set to undefined but deterministicIds is true, a simple number iterator is used. You can set this attribute to base the seed on a static string. flowchart The object containing configurations specific for flowcharts diagramPadding Paramet...
34 * Picks the color of the sankey diagram links, using the colors of the source and/or target of the links. 35 * 36 * 37 * This interface was referenced by `MermaidConfig`'s JSON-Schema 38 * via the `definition` "SankeyLinkColor". ...
docker run --rm -u `id -u`:`id -g` -v /path/to/diagrams:/data minlag/mermaid-cli -i diagram.mmd Or, if usingPodman, instead do: podman run --userns keep-id --user${UID}--rm -v /path/to/diagrams:/data:z ghcr.io/mermaid-js/mermaid-cli/mermaid-cli -i diagram.mmd ...