Mermaid Central Medical Clinic 970公尺 逛街購物 太平洋博覽會購物中心 1.3公里 便利商店 NightOwl 1.1公里 提款機 現場設有提款機 週邊景點 人氣景點 太平洋博覽會購物中心 1.3公里 衝浪者天堂 3.2公里 天空塔觀景台 4.6公里 信不信由你!衝浪...
6Duke University Medical Center, Durham, NC, USA; 7The Ottawa Hospital Cancer Centre, Division of Medical Oncology, Ottawa, ON, Canada; 8Université de la Méditerranée– Assistance Publique Hôpitaux de Marseille, France; 9The Francis Crick Institute, London, UK; 10AstraZeneca, Gaithersburg, ...
Hindustan Cycling Club offers a range of thrilling cycling trails and events. Take in the scenic beauty of Chennai as you pedal through the city. For any medical needs, Manushree Nursing Home and Chettinad Health Centre are conveniently located nearby, ensuring peace of mind during your stay. ...