In this full-length feature from the Disney TV series for preschoolers "Sofia the First," Sofia meets a real mermaid and goes on an underwater adventure. This movie explores the themes of sticking together and facing your fears — with the help of mermaid friends, of course! The action-fil...
Three Little Mermaids— A beautiful board book with moving parts that toddlers and preschoolers will adore. Pinkalicious and Aqua, the Mini-Mermaid— Pinkalicious meets Aqua in a beautiful cove full of rainbow colored shells. With gorgeous pictures and all the fun that Pinkalicious books contain. (...
This is great practice for learning these common sight words with preschoolers, kindergartners, and grade 1 students. Whether you are a parent, teacher, or homeschooler – this handy free sight word worksheet is a great way to practice! Color by sight word free Start by scrolling to the bot...