这些插件罗列起来给它分分类,无外乎以下几种:一种是直接对ChatGPT自身的功能扩展,如WebChatGPT,支持联网查询;一种是对当前主流浏览器的功能扩展,使其支持ChatGPT,我今天测评的ChatGPT for Google、ChatGPT Sidebar和Merlin这三款插件就属于这一类;还有一种就是内嵌ChatGPT独立开发的应用,如Notion AI。基于篇...
ChatGpt4.0免费使用,Merlin OpenAI,支持chrome edge firefox浏览器,只要下载安装插件即可免费邮箱即可,每天51次提问次数,首次注册额外送150次提问,不够用?换邮箱再来一个,让你一次问个够! 注册地址https://app.getmerlin.in/register?invite=bd26c590 支持chrome edge firefox浏览器,只要下载安装插件即可 在这几个...
It integrates OpenAI's ChatGPT into your favorite online platforms such as Google search, Gmail, Google sheets, and more.Your 26-in-one AI assistant to Research, Create and Summarize! PlayOpen-AI ChatGPT powered tool to give you the AI magic on all websites with just a Cmd/Ctrl+G ...
Merlin目前支持Google、Bing、DuckDuckGo、Baidu等多个搜索引擎。 我需要有ChatGPT/OpenAI账号吗?不需要,你可以在网站上免费创建账户。 Chat GPT在我国家被禁了,这个扩展可以使用吗?可以,Merlin在所有国家都可用。 使用费用是多少?Merlin每天提供102次免费查询。 Merlin...
官网:https://merlin.foyer.work/ 下载链接:https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/merlin-openai-chatgpt-pow/camppjleccjaphfdbohjdohecfnoikec 离线安装包:https://www.aliy...
基于ChatGPT的Chrome浏览器扩展,浏览任意网页时利用GPT Merlin是一个热门的AI效率提升网站&程序、归属于无峰导航中的AI办公工具导航。目前已经有(7.2K)人浏览过Merlin,广受网友们的一致好评。感兴趣的朋友户,欢迎通过提供的Merlin网址入口访问。实际体验!
Powered by cutting-edge AI chat technology, our AI chat bot is smarter, funnier, and more versatile than any other on the market. Whether you need help with a task, a witty comeback, or just someone to pass the time with, Merlin AI chat has you covered. ...
Coming up with a catchy and memorable name for our chatbot was one of the first steps we took in the development process. We knew we needed something that was both easy to remember and reflected our product’s AI capabilities. To help us generate ideas, we again used ChatGPT. ...
What is ChatGPT? ChatGPT is a Conversational Pre-trained Text-Generation Model developed by OpenAI. Built on the popular OpenAI GPT-3 model, this advanced conversational AI chatbot provides developers with an easy to use natural language understanding interface for creating meaningful conversations. Th...