(Government, Politics & Diplomacy)USthe system of employing and promoting civil servants solely on the basis of ability rather than patronage. Comparespoils system Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006...
Merit provides a digital credentialing and identity platform that transforms large-scale government and enterprise programs. Collaborate with us to deliver scalable, secure solutions that meet the needs of public and private sectors
One of the adoptions of the use of information technology is carried out in the management of civil servants. This study aims to determine the role of e-government in improving the merit system in local government, with the locus of research in the Bali provincial government...
Merit provides a digital credentialing and identity platform that transforms large-scale government and enterprise programs. Collaborate with us to deliver scalable, secure solutions that meet the needs of public and private sectors
The legislation, if approved, would mark an important step forward in terms of creating a new system of working hours. However, its scope of application is very limited, for instance, to those with annual income of more than 10 million yen, which is problematic in view of the government's...
Government office workers in state-owned companies and enterprises include the personnel dealing withpublic affairslegally in the stock companies and enterprises controlled by the state. 公务就是具有管理性质的社会公共事务,国有公司、企业的国家工作人员包括在国家控股的公司、企业中依法从事公务的人员,其他依法...
Tendency like this is very difficult to implement in the promotion by using the merit system. This study used a qualitative approach naturalistic. The results showed that the highly developed political bureaucracy in local government bureaucracy Gorontalo particularly in the application of recruiting ...
1) Merit system 考课制度1. Merit system was a system according to which the central government assessed the achievements, the administrative ability and morality of an official. 考课制度,是政府对官员的行政才能、道德素养等方面进行考核的制度,它是中国古代传统政治制度的重要一环。
The origin of the 'modern' civil service in Ethiopia dates back to the Menelik II Era 1907. Yet, it was few years after the downfall of the military government that the civil service system was drastically transformed. The current Ethiop... G Miruts,M Asfaw - 《Developing Country Studies》...
Current advocates of "reinvented" government call for more responsiveness to the needs of customers. This is true for internal as well as external customers, including government agencies seeking services from central personnel offices. Most states have adopted merit systems as a way to ensure open ...