if you create a flood hazard map using MERIT DEM and you would like to provide a COMMERCIAL service based on that, you have to make the hazard map PUBLICLY AVAILABLE under OdBL license.
ee.Image("MERIT/DEM/v1_0_3") Bands Table 使用说明: 'Citation to the paper is adequate if you simply use MERIT DEM. If you asked for help for additional handling/editing of the dataset, or if your research outcome highly depends on the product, the developer would request...
if you create a flood hazard map using MERIT DEM and you would like to provide a COMMERCIAL service based on that, you have to make the hazard map PUBLICLY AVAILABLE under OdBL license.
if you create a flood hazard map using MERIT DEM and you would like to provide a COMMERCIAL service based on that, you have to make the hazard map PUBLICLY AVAILABLE under OdBL license.
ee.Image("MERIT/Hydro_reduced/v1_0_1") Resolution 556.6 meters Bands Table 使用说明: 'Citation to the paper is adequate if you simply use MERIT DEM. If you asked for help for additional handling/editing of the dataset, or if your research outcome highly depends on the product, the devel...
ee.Image("MERIT/Hydro_reduced/v1_0_1") Resolution 556.6 meters Bands Table 使用说明: 'Citation to the paper is adequate if you simply use MERIT DEM. If you asked for help for additional handling/editing of the dataset, or if your research outcome highly depends on the pro...