Jing Luo are the main channels of communication and energy distribution in the body. They link interior Zang Fu organs with various tissues of superficial areas of the body.
A system for generating stimuli in relation to meridians, organs and tissues of the human body includes a control device (100), a pulse measuring device (200), and a stimulating device (300). .. Based on the pulsation signal obtained from the user, the stimulation device (300) acquires a...
The year was 2012, and I had just finished a lecture on Chinese Medicine theory inmy brick-and-mortar studio.In order to make sense of the theory, I also had to teach some history. “Not even a little bit,” she said. This surprised me. For years, I had assumed that students weren...
In each interview, the TCM doctor was given the CR diagram with descriptions of symp toms and treatment indications associated with each CR point.Each TCM doctor reported if there were AM points at the same location.For coinciding CR and AM points, each TCM doctor was asked if the CR point...