A federal judge Friday in Michigan allowed a lawsuit to… When Prophets Disagree with My Politics 2018-09-16 Sometimes the political conclusions we come to as individuals may… Visualize the Journey Through Grief in this Moving New Church Video 2018-09-13 "Many people believe that if they have...
Stop by for three fun days in beautiful Paradise on Whitefish Bay in Michigan’s UP this Friday, Aug. 16 through Sunday, Aug. 18. The festival venue is on the Whitefish Township Community Hall grounds on M-123. Whether you’ve been coming here for years, or this is your first time ge...
Writing has helped me survive major life crisis, like in 2008 when Ludek and I had to part due to the economic crisis in the first decade of the millennium. At that time, Ludek worked in Prarie du Chien, Wisconsin, while I stayed in Michigan to save our house. In the winter of 2008...