Use mkvtoolnix, start it, drag and drop both ts files into the upper window, select remux from the menu list and execute it. You have a new mkv file now with both video and audiostream incorporated. In case your TV cant play mkv you can remux this ts files into a mp4 container ...
These files are the correct ones. Sorry for uploading the MKV, but this was by intention to a certain degree. I thought I would be useful if you could compare the MKVs that you create yourself (when analyzing the issue) with mine, just in case that my Windows MKVToolNix installation be...
Recently I tried to download a series testing the new version 2.3.0, I can confirm that now is download Spanish dub. But taking a look to file size is a monster, 10Gb per cap, thats totally impossible. Taking a look to mkvToolNix I found...