Users widely use this pandasDataFrame (data structure)to work with any two-dimensional array with tabular format data having axes, i.e., rows and columns. We can define a DataFrame as a standard way to store data having two separate indexes, i.e., row and column index. It includes the ...
df4 = pd.merge(df1,df3, on='HPI') df4.set_index('HPI', inplace=True)print(df4) 输出: Int_rate US_GDP_Thousands Unemployment Low_tier_HPI HPI 80 2 50 7 50 85 3 55 8 52 85 3 55 6 53 85 2 55 8 52 85 2 55 6 53 88 2 65 9 50 那么, 如果在合并之前, HPI 就是索引...