{68if(!head || !head->next)return;69node *a, *b;70node *h =head;71frontbacksplit(h, a, b);72mergesort(a);73mergesort(b);74head =sortmerge(a, b);75}7677intmain() {78node *head =NULL;79push(head,15);80push(head,10);81push(head,5);82push(head,20);83push(head,3);8...
Given a singly-linked list, where each node contains an integer value, sort it in ascending order. The merge sort algorithm should be used to solve this problem. Examples null, is sorted to null 1 -> null, is sorted to 1 -> null 1 -> 2 -> 3 -> null, is sorted to 1 -> 2 ...
The merge sort for a linked list has to be of return type void and must take as its parameter the header to a linked list containing a head pointer and tail pointer (intialized to NULL if there are zero nodes). Otherwise, the supplementary functions merge and length can be of any ...
The basic idea is to first scan the list, find the middle point and break the list into two, sort two sub-lists recursively and merge them together. Obviously, time complexity would be O(nlogn). What is the space complexity? Since the function is called recursively and it uses stack spa...
§3 Strand Sort排序 §4 小结 §1 归并排序(Merge Sort) 归并排序(Merge Sort)算法 归并排序(Merge sort)是建立在归并操作上的一种有效的排序算法。该算法是采用分治法(Divide and Conquer)的一个非常典型的应用。 归并排序,它采取分而治之(Divide-and-Conquer)的策略,时间复杂度是Θ(nlgn)。归并排序的步骤...
Step 3: Calculate mid using low + high / 2. Step 4: Call the mergeSort function on the part (low, mid) and (mid+1, high). Step 5: This calling will continue till low<high is satisfied. Step 6: Finally, call the merge function to merge these two halves. Merge Sort Algorithm Mer...
3.1. Sort Firstly create a functionsort()which will take array (arr), starting index(l), and last index(r) as arguments and check there is more than 1 element in the array. Ifl<rthen it divides the array into 2 sub-arrays from the middle using the formula(l + r) / 2, and then...
802 changes: 802 additions & 0 deletions 802 Linked List(merge sort).cpp Load diff Large diffs are not rendered by default. 437 changes: 436 additions & 1 deletion 437 README.md Load diff Large diffs are not rendered by default. 4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions 4 Test/ans11...
Sort a linked list using insertion sort. 1.解题思路 题目很简单,就是要求用插入排序的方法来为链表排序。插入排序就是每次遍历一个新的元素,将其插入到前面已经排好序的元素中。 因为头结点没法确定,所以我们用一个dummy节点;然后开始向后逐个遍历,当前遍历的节点为cur,另外sortnode每次都指向已经排好序的第一...