This operation is currently impossible with QGIS. Dissolve makes sense (== is the only way for merging) for single polygons. But for multipolygons I'd prefer to have a separate dedicated operation "convert to single" "dissolve" or similar as a followup step to control the process. Contrib...
When I use the tool Plugins -> mmqgis -> transfer -> merge layers. All of the attribute fields from Region B polygon are empty, yet Region A attribute is intact. The benefit of this is that all Region B polygon's inside the corresponding Region A polygon are correct. The previous exam...
#include <qgis/qgspolygon.h> #include <qgis/qgsproject.h> #include <qgis/qgsrendercontext.h> #include <qgis/qgstextdocument.h> #include <qgis/qgstextrenderer.h> #include "kadas/gui/mapitems/kadastextitem.h" KadasTextItem::KadasTextItem( const QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem &crs ) : KadasAnc...
as the command ``which python3`` executed in the Terminal returns! * Close QGIS. 4. Create a [virtual python environment]( in a directory of choice, e.g. ``~/.virtualenvs/enmapbox`` Ubuntu / apt ``python3 -m venv --upgrade-deps -...
It nativiely downloads, formats, and converts this data in analysis ready rasters projected in WSG-84 Lat/Lon (maybe more information here). The data traditionally comes in a binary format, which is not injestible by traditional geospatial analysis software (Python, R, QGIS, ArcGIS). It ...