1 merge的种类
为了让Git能找到前面定义的两个sh,需要将git安装目录的cmd路径设置为环境变量,例如我的cmd路径:C:\Program Files (x86)\Git\cmd; 如下图: 更改Git配置文件 更改配置的目的就是为了指定Git的difftool和mergetool,首先找到.gitconfig文件,例如我的安装路径C:\Program Files (x86)\Git\etc,打开编辑器编辑.gitconfi...
git bash 平常提交代码流程: 1. 在文件根目录下鼠标右键点击空白处,选择git Base here 2.git status查看哪些文件被修改,文件状态为 modified, 也就是被修改了,“Changes not stagged for commit”表示文件被修改但是提交前还没有被存储 3.git add将修改添加到暂存区(git commit之前必须要执行这一步) git add ...
如果你使用的是 Git Bash,直接使用git pull --rebase。如果拉取不产生冲突,会直接 rebase,不会产生分支合并操作,如果有冲突则需要手动 fix 后,自行合并。 如果使用的是 GUI,例如 TortoiseGit,可以先 fetch,再手动 rebase 就可以了。 关于rebase 和 merge 关于什么时候使用 rebase,什么时候使用 merge,开发者总结了...
git mergeis used to combine two branches. The following examples in this document will focus on this branch merging pattern. In these scenarios,git mergetakes two commit pointers, usually the branch tips, and will find a common base commit between them. Once Git finds a common base commit ...
.gitignore Makefile README aggregate-results.sh annotate-tests.sh chainlint-cat.pl chainlint.pl check-non-portable-shell.pl lib-bash.sh lib-bitmap.sh lib-bundle-uri-protocol.sh lib-bundle.sh lib-chunk.sh lib-commit-graph.sh lib-credential.sh lib-cvs.sh lib-diff-alternative.sh lib-diff...
Creating a branch is quick and easy in Git. There are a few ways to do it, but the easiest way is typically to use the git checkout command. Here's an example of how we create a new branch named my-experimental-changes:Bash Copy git checkout -b my-experimental-changes ...
PostgreSQL; the configuration for it is in config/dev.exs Stock C compilation tools, because some of bors's dependencies use NIFs A git client, which you probably already have for downloading this repository NodeJS, to perform asset compilationI...
Bash git status The output looks similar to the following example: Output On branch add-database nothing to commit, working tree clean The first line of the output tells you that Git is on theadd-databasebranch. In Visual Studio Code, look at the status bar at the bottom, left s...
git 通过 SublimeMerge 处理冲突 在使用Git的时候,如果是多个小伙伴开发,那么如果同时修改一个文件将出现冲突。也就是在自动合并的时候不知道使用哪个代码才对,此时就需要合并工具的协助。我找了很久发现 SublimeMerge 是界面最好看的,同时快捷键和 SublimeText 一样多也好用的工具...