1 merge的种类
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进入demo文件夹下,单击鼠标右键,选择git bash here,打开git bash终端。 在git bash终端输入git init命令,初始化本地仓库。如下图所示: 利用git clone url命令,将需要的项目从github上clone下来(url为项目服务器地址或者项目在github上的地址),如下图所示: 至此,利用git clon... ...
git bash 平常提交代码流程: 1. 在文件根目录下鼠标右键点击空白处,选择git Base here 2.git status查看哪些文件被修改,文件状态为 modified, 也就是被修改了,“Changes not stagged for commit”表示文件被修改但是提交前还没有被存储 3.git add将修改添加到暂存区(git commit之前必须要执行这一步) git add ...
[root@hostname git_test]# git add . [root@hostname git_test]# git commit-m"in main, 2nd change"[master 16e9a53]inmain, 2nd change1filechanged,1insertion(+) [root@hostname git_test]# gi tlog bash: gi: command not found... ...
Git Bash 合并分支到master上 1.查看当前所在分支gitbranch查看本地分支gitbranch-a查看全部分支gitbranch-r 查看远程分支{并且在当前所在分支前加" * "标记}2.pushdev分支gitadd . //将所有修改添加到暂存区3.mergedev分支到mastergitcheckout 切换分支(先切换到 master,然后再merge ...
$ git merge dev Auto-merging file1.txt CONFLICT (content): Merge conflict in file1.txt Automatic merge failed; fix conflicts and then commit the result. 出现冲突后,我们可以通过git merge --abort来撤销合并: $ git merge --abort 执行撤销操作后,我们还需要手动解决冲突,然后重新执行合并操作。
Step 1: Open Git Terminal From the Windows Startup menu, open the “Git Bash” Git terminal: Step 2: Move to Git Repository Utilize the “cd” command to move to the Git repository: $ cd "C:\Git\Demo2" Step 3: Create New Branch ...
Finally, execute the command in Git Bash:git fetch The last two lines are as follows: https://<repo_url>:The URL of the repository. e7b37f6..47b2bf6:The first hash is the hash of last merged commit into the local repository while 47b2bf6 is the new commit/change hash code from the...