Error Merge branch 'master' of Please enter a commit message to explain why this merge is necessary... is reported when pulling code using the git pull c
#1 Locally hosted web application that allows you to perform various operations on PDF files - Merge branch 'main' into testStuff · Stirling-Tools/Stirling-PDF@30ee330
git commit -a -m "add ${testBranch}" git push --set-upstream origin ${testBranch} } function MergeVersion(){ newBranch=${Version} echo "Merge $newBranch into test Branch..." git checkout $testBranch git merge origin/$newBranch || exit 1 git push --set-upstream origin ${testBranc...
- Adds tests for all of the above. - Note that this branch contains changes to Configuration and Scripting for the purpose of testing that break the UI, and the changes should not be released. Refactored out ScriptFileWatcher from Scripting scriptDirectory is now passed into Scripting instance...
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/merge_test' into merge_test 因为插入了上面这条提交记录,这样看起来整个分支的提交记录就被打乱了,整个提交记录也就不连贯了,所以建议使用rebase来进行更新当前分支的代码。 使用rebase就感觉所有人都在同一条直线上开发一样,历史提交线会很清晰。
Merge branch 'master' of… 新增剪贴板接口 Revert "this is test" 新增剪贴板接口 this is test 一、内容说明(相关的Issue) 二、建议测试周期和提测地址 建议测试完成时间:xxxx.xx.xx 投产上线时间:xxxx.xx.xx ...
This is the existing default behaviour; set this for no warning, and no change in behaviour; git will merge the remote branch into your local one. git config pull.rebase true # rebase Here, git will attempt to rebase your changes on top of the remote branch. See When ...
Apull requestis arequestfrom you, the developer of a feature, to the maintainer of the main branch. You ask the maintainer topullyour changes into the main branch of the repository. Pull requests and branch protections When you configure branch protections, ...
it wasn't based on the branch itself. Rather, it was based on theHEAD commitofmainat the time. It's not aware of all of the commits that were applied tomainsince then. The commits that it currently tracks, aren't necessarily going to fold into the current state of the branch without...
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/Liu_Demo' into Liu_Demo 刘_提交了22号的课上内容此Pull Request 需要通过一些审核项 类型 指派人员 状态 审查 进行中 (0/1人) 测试 进行中 (0/1人) 此Pull Request 暂不能合并,一些审核尚未通过 评论 0 提交2 文件55 检查 ...