git merge other feature branch into current feature branch merge target into current branch # 1. feat-app-eric (current)$ git checkout feat-app-eric $ git pull# alias$ gco feat-app-eric $ gp update # 2. feat-app-alex (target)$ git checkout feat-app-alex $ git pull# alias$ gco ...
Merge the incoming changes into the current branch:将传入的更改合并到当前分支中 Rebase the current branch on top of the incoming changes:在传入更改的基础上重新建立当前分支
Pull into Current Using Rebase (for remote branches) to fetch changes from the selected branch and rebase the current branch on top of these changes. Checkout and Rebase onto Current (for both remote and local branches) to check out the selected branch and rebase it on top of the branch ...
git merge--no-ff<branch> This command merges the specified branch into the current branch, but always generates a merge commit (even if it was a fast-forward merge). This is useful for documenting all merges that occur in your repository. ...
k.在remote branch上选择分支,点击后面的三角图标,展开之后选择Merge into current。 合并过程可能会出现主干代码和自己分支代码冲突,需要解决冲突,合并完成之后会如图提示信息。 o.此时合并合并完成只是在自己电脑本地,还没有提交到远程服务器,最后将合并好的代码push到远程即可大功告成 ...
Merge incoming changes into the current branch (将传入的更改合并到当前分支)。 一般比较常见的操作都是通过Merge进行的合并。但是该合并方式下有多种策略,并不是无脑的将文件内容同步。 主要有:Fast-foward,Recursice,Ours,Octopus 等几种策略。git会自动根据commit的提交记录集选择合适的策略进行合并操作。
In the Branches dialog box, from theBranchesdrop-down list, select a branch you want to merge into the current branch, and clickMerge. Close the Branches dialog box and work on the files on your branch. If the branch merge causes a conflict that Git cannot resolve automatically, an error...
场景九:使用“Merge into current”菜单合并代码 正常合并都是由分支合向主干,这次从主干向分支合(主要因为代码写在主干上了)。分支名称:test_branch20201117,主干分支:master 1、首先我们在主干代码中找个文件修改代码,然后提交到本地去。分支代码是没有这段修改过的代码。
* branch B1 -> FETCH_HEAD Already up-to-date. Current branch B1 is up to date. $ git rebase master First, rewinding head to replay your work on top of it... Applying: FILE1 第一次修改 $ git push origin B1 To ...
fatal: Refusing to fetch into current branch refs/heads/ReqMerge_26 of non-bare repository 切换到其他分支(不是自己要拉得本地得分支) 并且当前分支是我们要拉取远程分支的祖先 再执行 git fetch 仓库名 远程分支 :本地分支