Open alanhe421opened this issueMay 4, 2024· 0 comments Open opened this issueMay 4, 2024· 0 comments Owner alanhe421commentedMay 4, 2024 访问repo setting,比如 alanhe421added theGitHublabelMay 4, 2024...
This changed added option "--delete-branch" to the Github cli for merging PRs. With this change, branches will be automatically deleted when automerge PR is merged. Signed-off-by: Xin Wang <>master (sonic-net/sonic-mgmt#11498) ...
git branch 你想给新创建的分支取得名字 例如,下面我们创建一个叫做“dev01”的分支: 此时,我们再用“git branch”命令查看一下有哪些分支,就能看到两个分支: 然后,我们再用GitHub(三):git log 查看项目历史的 commit 记录中定义的 git-log 查看一下这两个分支都有哪些提交。 我们可以发现,这两个分支都有两次...
$ git statusindex.html: needs merge# On branch master# Changed but not updated:# (use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed)# (use "git checkout -- <file>..." to discard changes in working directory)## unmerged: index.html# 任何包含未解决冲突的文件都会以未合并(un...
删除$ git branch -d aaa(delete的缩写) 可以fork 别人的项目进行修改 --- 保持更新(作者的项目更新了,你本地项目还没更新) 查看更新 $ git remote -v 添加作者源 $ git remote add upstream 更新$ git
To help you with resolving merge conflicts, GitHub generates a temporary hybrid file that includes the differences from each branch. The convention is that the text from compare branch is shown above the base branch, separated by a line of equal signs (===). You can...
Merge branch 'feature-A' of into feature-B```说的是把远程分支 feature-A 的代码合并到 feature-B 里。这里的 feature-A 通常是主分支。这种Commit 信息如果出现在你的 PR 里,那是完全没必要。PR 里的 commit 信息应当仅包含针对本次改动的有用信息。我个人日常几乎不使用 `git...
You can now merge the branches on the command line orpush your changes to your remote repositoryon GitHub andmerge your changesin a pull request. Removed file merge conflicts To resolve a merge conflict caused by competing changes to a file, where a person deletes a file in one branch and...
You can now merge the branches on the command line orpush your changes to your remote repositoryon GitHub andmerge your changesin a pull request. Removed file merge conflicts To resolve a merge conflict caused by competing changes to a file, where a person deletes a file in one branch and...
GitHub Azure Repos You've learned how to use feature branches and how to apply branch protection to ensure that changes are reviewed before they're merged. Now, you need to follow a consistent process to propose and review your changes before they're me...