Latest commit mehrmoudi Remove the infamous repo Oct 20, 2018 8449dc3·Oct 20, 2018 History History
SPOTIFY_REQUEST_TOKEN = { 'url': '', 'data': {'grant_type': 'client_credentials'}, 'headers': {'Authorization': 'Basic MTY5ZGY1NTMyZGVlNDdhNTk5MTNmODUyOGU4M2FlNzE6MWYzZDhiNTA3YmJlNGY2OGJlYjNhNDQ3MmU4YWQ0MTE='} } def get(info, indices, defa...
Northwestern is opening a"new space" in San Franciscofeaturing joint programming from the Medill School of Journalism and McCormick School of Engineering.
Back in September — at the same time as cross-play was confirmed— Epic Games announced that Fortnite users would soon be able to merge their different accounts. Up until that point, Sony had forced players to create a separate account should they wish to play Fortnite on Switch. Epic Ga...
class Spotify(): def __init__(self): self.headers = None self.expiration = time.time() def getHeaders(self): if time.time() > self.expiration: log('token expired') token = url='', data={'grant_type': 'client_credentials'}, ...