InMere Christianity, C.S. Lewis aims to prove to the sensible skeptic that God does exist and that He sent His son Jesus Christ to redeem the world. The book begins with a logical proof for the Christian God and then transitions into a discussion of the common ground upon which all of ...
Summary: "To be bad, he must exist and have intelligence and will. But existence, intelligence and will are in themselves good. Therefore he must be getting them from the Good Power; even to be bad he must borrow o steal from his opponent. And do you now begin to see whyChristianity ...
Christianity and the Two Kinds of “Life” ThemeTracker The ThemeTracker below shows where, and to what degree, the theme of Christianity and the Two Kinds of “Life” appears in each chapter of Mere Christianity. Click or tap on any chapter to read its Summary & Analysis. How often the...
Mere Christianity: DiscussionM. Robert