中文名 梅西中学 英文名 Mercy High School 简称MHS 创办时间 1952 所属地区 美国西部加利福尼亚州 类 别 私立高中 学校类型 女校 学校属性 私立走读制高中 现任校长 Rosa Alvarado 宗教背景 天主教 师生比例 1:13 SAT平均分1870 学校简介 梅西中学地理位置优越,校区靠海,风景优美。对面是加利福尼亚州立大学,距...
Sure, I was the one who made the complaint against the asshole boss, or quit my job to go back to school – but by being willing to make such moves I also left friends behind who I’d thought would follow my path, or, in some cases, at least support me more than they did. It...
But they are forgetting one thing:Almost 70% of the abusive priests were ordained before 1970. They weren’t formed in feel-good Vatican II seminaries. These were old school guys. They are the ones who were molesting kids, and their world was the world that allowed it to happen. The se...
10% went to God, 10% went to savings and the rest I could spend. I soon discovered that if I put more than 10% into my savings account that it grew bigger faster. I remember being in grade school and junior high and stopping
In Christianity, the “trick” is to honor all, but never put anyone on a pedestal. It is always sheer ignorance which causes us to elevate men above their God given station. …… Jesus is the Light. If you have Him you have the Light Jesus is the Truth. If you have Him you have...
Looking for a private catholic high school in the Hartford, New Haven or Middlesex Counties? Mercy High School is the place to be. Call today to learn about our programs!
A local high school’s cheerleading team was near the end of the route with an individual sign for each of our cancer warriors. We’ll never, ever forget it. The Food We ate so much delicious food while there. Blue Skies outdid themselves with their catered food selections, and we “...