Mercury Conjunct Ascendant Transit Mercury Sextile Ascendant Transit Mercury Square Ascendant Transit Mercury Trine Ascendant Transit Mercury Opposite Ascendant Transit Mercury Conjunct Midheaven Transit Mercury Sextile Midheaven Transit Mercury Square Midheaven Transit ...
Mercury trine Mercury, , exact at 02:45 Clock times The time indicated tells you precisely when a transit becomes exact. The effect of the transit is strongest at this time and shortly before. This is particularly valid for fast-moving transits. All times are given in 24-hour format in ...
Mercury trine Neptune transit stimulates creativity, imagination, sensitivity, and spirituality. While not such a good time for reading the fine print or studying factoids, your mind is ready to dream up fantasies or obscure theories. Your increased sensitivity to vibrational energy makes this an ex...
Mercury trine Ascendant You could be pleasantly busy now, conversing and socializing, writing or speaking, and handling details. It’s easier now than usual to verbalize exactly what you want. Others appreciate what you have to say and your ideas and opinions are received exactly as you intend...
Moon Transits Sextile or Trine Ascendant You can demonstrate great understanding and sensitivity to the needs of others just now and are in a good position to communicate concerning groups and society in general. Moon Transits Conjunct Midheaven You are at your most practical when it comes to dea...
Interpretation of transiting Mars Trine natal Mercury,Free horoscopes, Astrology reports, astrology forecasts and horoscope predictions covering love, romance, relationships, luck, career and business, Synastry, Compatibility, love horoscopes, relationsh
Tr. Jupiter sextile Ascendant, on 2 January(19 July 2024 - 18 Mar. 2025) transit of 24 July 2024, 15:22:17|with natal chart transit of 2 January 2025, 06:42:18|with natal chart transit of 9 March 2025, 13:27:15|with natal chart ...
Mercury Sextile Pluto Transit Mercury sextile Pluto transit adds depth and intensity to your thinking and conversations. More serious or mysterious topics will take your attention, so this is a good time for study and research. The probing and penetrating nature of your mind can uncover secrets ...
Mercury Square Saturn Transit Mercury square Saturn transit favors hard mental work, which is probably better done alone. Communicating your plans and ideas will be difficult because of negative thinking and misunderstandings. When studying or tidying up your paperwork, pay attention to detail. ...
transit of 29 January 2024, 04:20:27|with natal chart transit of 16 March 2026, 17:57:10|with natal chart Tr. Mercury trine Ascendant, on 26 December(11 Nov. - 27 Dec.) transit of 12 November 2024, 17:52:56|with natal chart ...