众神信使(Messe..神名:墨丘利(Mercury)(希腊叫赫尔墨斯)称号:众神信使(Messenger of the Gods)(速度之神,商贸之神)神系:希腊(Greek)类型:近战(Melee)物理(Physical
MERCURY“Messenger of the Gods” God of:Divine messages/messenger, guide of the dead, trade, thieves, profit, commerce and a messenger. It was believed his origins came from Greek mythology Type:Major Roman Name:Mercury Greek Name:Hermes ...
The meaning of MERCURY is a Roman god of commerce, eloquence, travel, cunning, and theft who serves as messenger to the other gods. How to use mercury in a sentence.
The name Mercury derives from the Latin name Mercurius, the Roman messenger god. The Latin name clearly indicates the deity's association with trade (L. mercari, 'to trade'). In Greek Mythology, the messenger god Hermes (Ερμη, Hermēs), son of Zeus and Maia, is known by many ...
In Roman mythology, Mercury is the messenger of the gods and the god of commerce. His name is often capitalized when referring to this mythological figure, as in "Mercury, the swift-footed messenger of the gods."In astronomy, Mercury is the smallest and innermost planet of the ...
The messenger of the gods, god of commerce, manual skill, eloquence, cleverness, travel, and thievery: identified with the Greek Hermes. Webster's New World Similar definitions The smallest of the eight planets in the solar system and the one nearest to the sun: diameter, c. 4,880 km...
Define mercury. mercury synonyms, mercury pronunciation, mercury translation, English dictionary definition of mercury. n. 1. Roman Mythology A god that served as messenger to the other gods and was himself the god of commerce, travel, and thievery. 2. T
2、ommerce, travel and thievery, the Roman counterpart of the Greek god Hermes, the messenger of the Gods. The planet probably received this name because it moves so quickly across the sky.Mercury has been known since at least the time of the Sumerians (3rd millenniumBC). It was given ...
Mercury definition: a heavy, silver-white, highly toxic metallic element, the only one that is liquid at room temperature; quicksilver: used in barometers, thermometers, pesticides, pharmaceutical preparations, reflecting surfaces of mirrors, and dental
to the kidneys. The planet Mercury may be seen as following the Sun (universal father; consciousness; life) and the Moon (universal mother; birth; unconscious). In Greek mythology, Hermes was the messenger of the gods and the god of speed. This intelligent and quickwitted immortal easily tra...