Mercury Retrograde Dates: 2019 - 2028 Important date planned? Check the calendar below to see if you have any ill-fated events during Mercury retrograde, so you can prep a Plan B (or even C). 2019 March 6 - March 28 (Pisces) July 8 - July 31 (Leo/Cancer) October 31 - November ...
The days when Mercury retrograde begins and ends are essential dates that you want to consider noting on your calendar. But there is also a related, but far lesser-known, astrological occurrence to consider, and that’s Mercury retrograde shadow period. Just as every hero’s journey has a be...
Mercury Retrograde 2020- Astrology Online Calendar (UT/GMT)Time |Change to your local timezone °' °' Mercury Retrograde Retrograde BeginsRetrograde EndsChart Feb 17, 202012°53’Mar 10, 202028°12’22dimpact Jun 18, 202014°45’Jul 12, 202005°29’24dimpact ...
and how we share all information, the fact that Mercury goes retrograde and meets the sun three times a year means we experience a change in our overall ways of thinking that many times. Putting all the Mercury retrograde dates on our calendar is not merely to prepare for chaos, it’s mo...
Mercury appears to move "backward" across the sky for about three weeks, it is during this time Mercury is said to be in retrograde. Astrologers consider Mercury in retrograde to be a time of misfortune and miscommunication as the perceived backward motion interferes with the planet's rules, ...
If you thought 2023 was going to start off smoothly, Mercury Retrograde is here to give you a quick reality check. Starting on December 29, and for the next three weeks, the planet of communication and technology is moving backward within the sign of Capricorn and close to Venus, therefore...
That's not the only Mercury retrograde of the year — in fact, there are three more to mark down on your calendar for 2022 — and you'll need to know a bit more about this cosmic event so you can make the most of it. Allure Daily Beauty Blast Get the latest beauty news and ...
October 2: Mercury stations direct at 24°12’ Virgo October 8: Mercury at maximum elongation (begins to speed up) October 16: Mercury leaves retrograde shadow zone Keep track of all retrograde and astrological transits with ourAstrology Calendar....