Mercury Research还公布了AMD不同类别处理器所贡献的营收比例。来自服务器处理器产品线的营收占比31.1%,接近三分之一,是AMD 2023年收入的绝对大头。来自桌面级处理器产品线的营收占比为15.9%,来自笔记本电脑处理器产品线的营收占比为15.0%,二者基本相当。加在一起计算,AMD的整个消费级处理器收入和服务器处理...
市调机构Mercury Research公布的最新数据,2024年第一季度,AMD处理器的出货量、收入份额继续双双提升,尤其是在桌面、服务器领域表现出色,但是笔记本领域被Intel收回了一些。 在桌面领域,AMD处理器的出货量份...
近日知名第三方统计分析机构Mercury Research公布了最新数据,可供参考。 Mercury Research公布了2016年三季度至2023年四季度大约七年时间内的AMD处理器的市场份额趋势图。 整体来看,AMD桌面级处理器(红色曲线)的市场份额总体呈上升增长趋势,在2022年二季度和三季度期间出现了较大幅度下滑,是最困难的时期。 不过,好在这...
Also note that the report schedule dates are "on or before" the stated date. We will attempt to the deliver the reports as soon as is it is practical to do so. PC Processor Report Fourth Quarter 2024 - delivered November 6th, 2024. Third Quarter 2024 - delivered August 6, 2024. Second...
Specializing in PC Component Market Research The PC industry's primary source for market information on PC Microprocessors and Graphics Components. For product information, ordering, schedules and information about Mercury Research, please select the appropriate item on the menu above....
Specializing in PC Component Market Research The PC industry's primary source for market information on PC Microprocessors and Graphics Components. For product information, ordering, schedules and information about Mercury Research, please select the appropriate item on the menu above....
Mercury Research 的最新CPU研究结果出炉。 虽然触底的PC市场极度动荡仍在继续,但复苏的迹象似乎正在显现。尽管由于持续的库存调整,数据仍然混乱,但本月的数据显示,英特尔在三大类别(台式电脑、移动设备和数据中心)中的份额下降了亚个位数(sub-single-digit )百分点,因此保持在 80 以上每个类别的单位份额百分比。考虑到...
Mercury Research's products are used primarily by PC OEMs, semiconductor suppliers, and companies with key interests in the PC manufacturing pipeline such as silicon foundries and equipment suppliers. Anyone having responsibility for forecasting market growth, assessing the competitive environment of suppli...
Country Foods Workshop reach its This philosophy is also behind third year.the proposed bio-mon-The workshop connectsitoring project that would local leaders and other community membersby Roxanna Thompson
据分析机构Mercury Research称,AMD在x86兼容处理器中的市场份额正在缓慢增长。因此,作为AMD在这一领域唯一竞争对手的英特尔正在逐渐失去其市场份额。报道中称,AMD在第三季度的份额达到了10.6%,比上一季度高出1.5个百分点,比2017年同期高出3.1个百分点。在台式机处理器市场中,AMD的增幅最大,其中第三季度该...