What house(s) in your natal chart is Mercury transiting when it is Stationing? Note the degree at which Mercury turns Retrograde and find where that degree is found, by house, in your natal chart, then read the interpretation for Mercury Stationary Retrograde below. Then note the degree at...
Having strong opinions comes naturally to this aspect. These opinions can be extreme or controversial, but you are just the right person to highlight the more hidden or socially unacceptable ideas and beliefs. Mercury is neutral for good or bad so that you would excel just as much in propagan...
Their comments take place in their discussion of delineating character, mind, and will in the chart. For that type of delineation, they both rely heavily upon the lord of the Ascendant and Mercury. Mercury indicates the manner of speaking (and also of intellect, to at least Abu’ali). They...
So given Jim's 2nd house Pisces Mercury, how do we explain his reputation as a sharp thinker, with a good mind for business, and a mouth that loved to talk? That's easy. His Ascendant was in strategic, business-oriented Capricorn and his Sun was in me-me-me Aries in the chatty 3rd...
Neptune in 27° 20' Pisces Pluto in 1° 9' Aquarius North Node in 1° 20' Aries (r) True node in 0° 28' Aries (r) Chiron in 19° 0' Aries Descendant in 24° 12' Aquarius Ic in 17° 6' Scorpio Grand Cross Ic, Descendant, Uranus, Ascendant Current Planetary Transit...
Sun conjunct Mercury natal is the best of all aspects for communication. Interacting with others is most important to you as it stimulates your need to share ideas. With such an active mind, however, you may become easily distracted when listening to others, butting in or letting your mind ...
check to see where Gemini and Virgo are found in your natal chart. If Virgo is on the third house cusp, for example, (which is often the case for Cancer Ascendant natives) communication issues may be especially strong. If either of these signs is on the fifth house, then we can expect...