$2.3577496959is the total melt value for the 1916-1945 Mercury silver dime on March 06, 2025. ← Calculate coin worth using your own quantity and silver price values. MINTAGE AND COLLECTIBLE VALUE (USD) The "Year" column lists the year and mint mark on the coin -- D is for Denver, S...
华盛顿——美国造币厂 (Mint) 将于 9 月 29 日美国东部时间中午开始接受 2022 年美国鹰一盎司钯金背面精制硬币的订单。这枚硬币的产量限制为 7,500 枚,在销售的前 24 小时内,每户限购 10 枚。 这枚硬币采用一盎司 99.95% 的钯制成,是 2017 年推出的官方美国铸币厂美国鹰一盎司钯金币的收藏版。这枚经常性...
Edition year 19451945-S Mercury Dime XF 19421942-S Mercury Dime XF -1920-D Mercury Dime Good/Fine 19371937-S Mercury Dime XF 19361936 Mercury Dime XF Specifications Finish Nickel Brand U.S. Mint Warranty Warranty information Please be aware that the warranty terms on items offered for sale by...
This unique Mercury Dime collection features every date from the World War II years of 1941 to 1945. Add it to your collection at GovMint!
1916 FB Mercury dime value As for Mercury dimes, they came with one famous variety, so-called Full Bands. These perfectly struck coins are valuable and can be worth a lot. For instance, you can count on $50 to $9,500 if you have a specimen without the mint mark. ...