Sotatercept is in Phase 3 trials as add-on to current standard of care for the treatment of PAH. “Strategic business development is a top priority for Merck as we look to drive sustainable growth and further bolster and balance our pipeline with breakthrough science,” said Rob Davis, ...
“Sotatercept added to background therapy has the potential to become a new standard of care option for patients with pulmonary arterial hypertension.” WINREVAIR is given once every three weeks by subcutaneous injection and may be administered b...
where we are least showing the data that we have in relationship to the oral PCSK9 and sotatercept. I will just sort of emphasize what we are trying to accomplish and what we are trying to accomplish is, we are trying to accomplish the most potent LDL lowering oral...
So as we look forward, we'll have to see how all of these activities impact shipments to the point of vaccination. And as we learn more, we'll assess future shipments to China with our partner. So hopefully, that gives you a sense of what we're seeing. But I just would reiterate o...