默克是全球领先的医药与化工公司,在历经近 350年的发展后,默克在全球拥有50,000多名员工,遍布66个国家,是一个对创新和前沿技术充满热情,并致力于改变世界的集团。默克在全球都叫“默克 ”。但在美国和加拿大,我们的医药健康业务使用 “EMD Serono”,生命科学业务使用“Millipore Sigma”以及 “EMD Performance Materi...
Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany, a leading science and technology company, operates across Healthcare, Life Science and Electronics.
來自於德國達姆施塔特的默克集團,擁有默克(Merck)的公司名稱和品牌的全球使用權。唯獨在美國和加拿大,我們的醫療保健事業體以 EMD Serono、生命科學事業體以MilliporeSigma、及電子科技事業體以 EMD Electronics的名義營運。 品牌素材下載 若是您有使用默克Logo或是圖片素材的需求,請到以下連結下載: 企業形象照 默克Logo ...
2/3,德国默克(Merck KGaA)旗下EMD Serono宣布,美国FDA已加速批准口服MET抑制剂Tepmetko(tepotinib)上市,用于治疗携带MET外显子14(METex14)跳跃变异的转移性非小细胞肺癌(NSCLC)成人患者。 Tepmetko是...
Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany, a leading science and technology company, operates across Healthcare, Life Science and Electronics.
EMD Serono is the healthcare business of Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany in the US. We are imagining the future of healthcare by developing and delivering meaningful therapies for patients.
EMD Serono Completes Enrollment of Evobrutinib Phase III Clinical Trials 04 Oct 2021 // BUSINESSWIRE Merck buys Acceleron for $11.5B, dowplays antitrust threat 01 Oct 2021 // FIERCEPHARMA Anji Pharma snags $70M for phase 3 diabetes and mid-stage asset ...
默克家族作为公司的创始者持有默克大部分的股份,除美国和加拿大例外,在全球都叫“默克”,默克的三大领域:医药健康、生命科学及电子科技在这两个国家分别称之为“EMD Serono”、“MilliporeSigma”和“EMD Electronics”。 默克在中国已经有89年发展历史,第一个分公司最早于1933年在上海成立 。默克在中国有超过4,500...
29 Apr 2024EMD Serono and Merck terminate the phase III evolutionRMS 1 trial in Multiple sclerosis in USA, Ukraine, United Kingdom, Taiwan, Spain, Serbia, Russia, Poland, Netherlands, South Korea, Mexico, Italy, Israel, India, Hungary, Hong Kong, Germany, Georgia, France, Finland, Estonia,...
majority owner of the publicly listed company. Merck holds the global rights to the Merck name and brand. The only exceptions are the United States and Canada, where the business sectors of Merck operate as MilliporeSigma in life science, EMD Serono in healthcare, and EMD Electronics in ...