from merchant import PaymentGateway,Order# 初始化支付网关 gateway = PaymentGateway(api_key='your_api_key') # 创建订单 order = Order(order_id='order123', total_amount=100.0, currency='USD') # 发起支付 payment_response = gateway.process_payment(order) print('支付响应:', payment_response) 在...
老师问一下,构建的MerchantOrdersVO对象中已经包含 orderId的值了,为什么要额外封装一个OrderVO对象,将orderId再添加进去呢?后续如果使用orderId的话,不是只需要取MerchantOrdersVO对象中的merchantOrderId就可以了吗?是纯粹为了区分两个不同概念的属性,还是后续还有什么用的到的地方啊?写回答1回答 风间影月 2021-06-...
Your Merchant ID, Merchant Name, and Merchant Address will be listed at the top-right corner of your exported report.Note: If you're looking up your merchant ID to order new gift cards through eCard Systems and you see multiple merchant IDs listed, you can copy and paste the first ID ...
●服务商调用ant.merchant.expand.indirect.zft.create(直付通二级商户创建接口) 完成会返回申请单(order_id),可通过ant.merchant.expand.order.query(商户申请单查询接口)或ant.merchant.expand.indirect.zftorder.query(直付通商户入驻进度查询接口)可获取到 smid。
Restaurants Supermarkets Lodging/hospitality Education/government Mail order/e-commerce Solutions to Grow Your Business: Debit, EBT Fleet cards Reporting solutions Electronic gift cards lnternet/e-commerce Electronic check service Multi-currency processing ...
Create partner trans ID/out trade number properly When the same business order needs to be paid multiple times, for a reason that the previous payments failed or revoked, it is necessary to ensure that the value of partner trans ID/out trade number for each payment interface is not repeated...
订单号:<INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="orderId" value="20170815110723"> 15 支付金额:<INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="money" size="6" value="0.01">元 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 请您选择在线支付银行 24 25 26 <INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="pd_FrpId" value="...
merchant_shop_id String 否 否 否 商家侧门店id address String 否 否 否 字段名称:门店地址 字段说明:线下核销的门店地址 name String 是 否 否 字段名称:门店名称 字段说明:线下核销的门店名称 待支付 (WAIT_PAY)本文详细介绍通过接口 alipay.merchant.order.sync 同步订单状态-待支付 (WAI...
一,完整失败内容:[ERP_1259140397:{code":"lnwalidinput”,"message":MerchantFulfillmentOrderid 的创建请求已存在 二,解决方案:报错提示的这个订单号已经在fba后台创建过订单了,所以不能重复创建,可以换一个订单号,再操作转fba发货 三,操作步骤: 1,订单--订单列表--点订单编号进去,进入订单详情修改订单编号,然后...