英文字幕 Merchant of Venice - Act 3, Scene 4 2024-02-06 15:33:0604:06 1 所属专辑:莎士比亚《威尼斯商人》英文原声 购买| 0.20 喜点/集 喜欢下载分享 用户评论 表情0/300发表评论 暂时没有评论,下载喜马拉雅与主播互动音频列表 英文字幕 Merchant of Venice - Act 2, Scene 8 52024-01 英文字幕 ...
The Merchant of Venice (《威尼斯商人》),莎翁四大喜剧之一,女主人公Portia美丽智慧,威尼斯商人Antonio仗义疏财,宁愿为朋友Bassanio(Portia的丈夫)挨上一刀,高利贷商人Shylock冷酷贪婪——不过现在看来令人同情……作者,William Shakespeare(威廉·莎士比亚),15
2016-02-10 10:36:0603:4974 所属专辑:Merchant of Venice 声音简介 《威尼斯商人》 猜你喜欢 6594 中考实战一模卷 14~16年 by:雅乐图书 19.3万 7~14岁|林良《爸爸的16封信》 by:小火炬电台 6293 14号门 by:0206声音记录 2898 法14班 by:新朗格少儿法语 ...
Thethirdandmostimportantcharacteristicisherethicalandfairwayofdealingwitheverything.DespiteShylockwantingtocutamanopen,Portiaofferedhimeveryopportunitytochangehismind,asonewaytostopmattersgoingtoofarandhurtingmanypeople.(Act4,Scene1,v.181184)Shylock •Shylockin“TheMerchantofVenice”shouldnotehistendencyforselfish...
看莎士比亚喜剧威尼斯商人TheMerchantofVenice(双语译林壹力文库)ACT 4.最新章节, ACT 4.[Enter the DUKE: the ...番茄小说网下载番茄小说免费阅读全文。
The Merchant of Venice 3:The Language 书岛2315 The Merchant of Venice 1:The Story and the Context 书岛3490 The Merchant of Venice 2:the Characters and the Questions 书岛2409 Act1 Scene7-Dystopia of Truth 歌单精选集43 030_Silver Blaze 2_The Scene of the Crime FunFunZoe41 ...
DUKE of Venice Magnificoes of Venice A Jailer, Attendants and Servants Act 1 Scene 1 / running scene 1 Enter Antonio, Salerio and Solanio ANTONIO In sooth I know not why I am so sad. It wearies me, you say it wearies you; But how I caught it, found it, or came by...
THEMERCHANT OF VENICE(ACT 3, SCENE 1) 英语阅读理解英伦学堂摘要:William Shakespearevip英语世界
New! Understand every line of The Merchant of Venice. Read our modern English translation. Next Act 4, scene 2 Quiz Get 3 quizzes by signing up for a free accountTest your knowledge of Act 4, scene 1. Submit your answers to see your results and get feedback. How is Antonio's beha...
1、the merchant of veniceact iv scene ivenice. a court of justicerole descriptionshylock he is the representative of usury capital, is stingy miser . but money-grubber shylock was uncharacteristically at the beginning of the play , not several times more than the repayment of borrowings , and...