Limgrave is the starting area of Elden Ring that also contains the first legacy dungeon, Stormveil Castle. 10 merchants can be found in Limgrave, which offer unique items to the players Merchant Kale (#1) Merchant Kale sits in Ruins inside the Church of the Elleh in Limgrave. The locatio...
Elden Ring - Elden Ring Normal Mode - Reduced Enemy Damage v.1.0 - mod - 1.4 KB Elden Ring Ultimate Table (Over 60k code lines-Magic-BulletEditor-GUI ItemGiver-BestTable so far-SummonBossSpirits) v.1.7.0 - mod File Type:mod, File Size:472.7 KB, Downloads:1.6K, Last 7 days:3, L...
A discord bot that provides the user with information regarding items in Elden Ring. Made with discord.js - Guitarband/MerchantKaleBot