请确定账户为管理员,view request标志会变为蓝色。 或者在:工具与设置 > 选择已关联的账户 > 找到商家中心Merchant Center,点击详情消息。点击后会出现如下界面, 注意: 如果发现点击完link谷歌账户没有收到通知需要看下上方的id不是需要绑定的,点击下方的Link account。 需要注意的是GMC是和账户关联的,所以一定要填...
1.打开浏览器,地址栏输入Google Merchant Center(GMC)网址,注册网址链接:https://merchants.google.com/ 2.点击Get started 3.选择Yes 4.输入网站网址 5.点击Continue 6.向下滑动鼠标,到达最下面 7.点击Create a Google Merchant Center account 8.登录下要开通Google Merchant Center的谷歌邮箱账号,需要注意:1个...
打开浏览器,在地址栏中输入Googler Merchant Center(GMC)网站,注册网站链接:https:/merchant.google.coom2、点击Get started3、选择Yes4、输入网站地址5、点击Continue6、鼠标拉倒最底部7、点击Create a Google Merchant Center account8、登录时,需要开通Googler merchant Center的谷歌电子邮件。
(PS: 这里非必填,都不关联直接往下走也可以) 8、勾选”I’ve read and agree to Google Merchant Center Terms of Service” 9、点击“Creat Account” 10、点击Continue 11、点击Continue 12、填写地址,注意和营业执照地址保持一致 13、点击保存 14、输入电话号码并验证。注意电话号码和上面的地址国家一致 15、...
8、勾选”I’ve read and agree to Google Merchant Center Terms of Service” 9、点击“Creat Account” 10、点击Continue 11、点击Continue 12、填写地址,注意和营业执照地址保持一致 13、点击保存 14、输入电话号码并验证。注意电话号码和上面的地址国家一致 ...
1.点击“Add account”,输入一个广告帐户,点击“OK”。该帐户将收到一条关联请求。 2.在您的华为广告帐户中接受该请求。详情请参阅关联帐户管理。 3附录 3.1注册企业级帐号并认证 1.使用邮箱或手机号在华为开发者联盟注册一个企业级华为帐号。 2.阅读并签订 ...
All we do is to try our best to obey Google’s policies. We would like to continue providing the values to end customers via Google. Could you please help to re-review our Merchant Center Account? We appreciate your support with this matter. ...
如何玩转 Google Merchant Center? GMC的申诉与激活 虽然GMC好处多,且免费,但不意味着你一申请就能通过,很多人一提交Feed,基本就面临着【Account Suspended】的情况,其实不是很多人,而是99%的人都会被直接封号,这里我要说句真实的话,因为以前有很多卖家说Google针对中国卖家,其实美国的卖家也是一样的,谷歌会无差别...
All we do is to try our best to obey Google’s policies. We would like to continue providing the values to end customers via Google. Could you please help to re-review our Merchant Center Account? We appreciate your support with this matter. ...
Step 2: Set up your Google Merchant Center account After registering your business, you need to create an account to get started with Google Merchant Center. Visit the Google Merchant Center website and sign in using your Google account credentials. If you don't have a Google account, you...