Merchant Category Codes (MCC) are 4 digit numbers used by the payments industry to classify businesses by market segment.At WePay, we use a similar code to help us better understand your business. Below is the list of MCCs that we use to classify your merchants’ accounts. See the USDA ...
Doing a merchant category code lookup isn’t always convenient. You may or may not find it on your merchant statement, and if you don’t know how to find your merchant category code or do a little digging, you may not even know what it is at all!
By analyzing your network’s merchant category code list prior to shopping, you can determine you’ll earn the most cash back according to your card’s bonus categories. Keep in mind that each network has its own specific merchant category code list and definitions for which purchases or ...
Merchant category code list The following is a list of supported MCCs that you can use when creating connected accounts. You must contact Stripe to use a restricted MCC. KategoriMCC A/C, Refrigeration Repairac_refrigeration_repair 7623 Accounting/Bookkeeping Servicesaccounting_bookkeeping_services ...
Here is a list of our partners and here's how we make money. Table of Contents What are merchant category codes? How do MCCs work? Why does this matter to you? How can I find a store's MCC before I spend?...
内容提示: 商户编号表商户编号表商户编号表商户编号表 Merchant Code List (Updated on Aug 2009) 商户编号Merchant Codes 0101 0102 0103 0104 0105 0106 0107 0108 0109 0110 0999 0213 0214 0215 0216 0217 0218 0219 0220 9151 商户编号商户编号商户编号 商户类别商户类别商户类别商户类别 Merchant Category 商户...
List of merchant category codes MCCs can vary among processors, but there are some common trends. Here are some typical merchant categories, provided byCiti: Agricultural services: MCCs 0001-1499 Airlines: MCCs 3000-3299 Business services: MCCs 7300-7999 ...
But, what is a merchant category code orMCC? Themerchant category codeis a 4-character number thatcredit card firmsuse to organize businesses into segments. The code shows the variousproducts or servicesa brand sells to customers. For companies that trade in both products and services,the catego...
商戶編號表商戶編號表商戶編號表商戶編號表MerchantCodeListMerchantCodeMerchantCategoryMerchantName9101Insur ance Hong Kong Life Insurance Limited 9119 Manulife (International) Ltd 9128 FTLife Insurance Company Limited 9228 Pr udent i al Hong Kong Li mi t ed 9255 AXA Chi na Regi on I n...
How Can You Find the Merchant Category Code for a Business? Your monthly credit card statement may indicate how each of your transactions was classified. However, rather than showing the MCC, it is likely to list a category name (such as "grocery stores" or "drug stores"). If you want ...