MerchantCategoryCode or SubTypeCodeMerchantGroupDescription 0 UNSPFD Unspecified 742 PRFSRV VeterinaryServices 763 MISC AgriculturalCooperative 780 HSESRV LandscapingAndHorticulturalServices 1520 HSESRV GeneralContractorsResidentialAndCommercial 1711 HSESRV HeatingPlumbingAndAirConditioningContractors 1731 HSESRV Electric...
Merchant category code list The following is a list of supported MCCs that you can use when creating connected accounts. You must contact Stripe to use a restricted MCC. 类别MCC A/C, Refrigeration Repairac_refrigeration_repair 7623 Accounting/Bookkeeping Servicesaccounting_bookkeeping_services 8931...
Breadcrumbs merchant-category-codes /resources / mcc.json Latest commit adamaltman Add new mcc codes: 3300, 5815, 5816, 5817, 5818, 6011, 7800, 7801, 78… 1707e78· Jun 4, 2017 HistoryHistory Breadcrumbs merchant-category-codes /resources / mcc.jsonTop File metadata and controls Code Blame...
Merchant category code list The following is a list of supported MCCs that you can use when creating connected accounts. You must contact Stripe to use a restricted MCC. 类别MCC A/C, Refrigeration Repairac_refrigeration_repair 7623 Accounting/Bookkeeping Servicesaccounting_bookkeeping_services 8931...