Merchant Category Codes (MCC) are 4 digit numbers used by the payments industry to classify businesses by market segment.At WePay, we use a similar code to help us better understand your business. Below is the list of MCCs that we use to classify your merchants’ accounts. See the USDA ...
Setting merchant category codes Learn about merchant category codes (MCCs) and how to set them for your connected accounts. MCCs are used to classify businesses by the type of goods or services they provide. For example, grocery stores, hotels, and airlines all have different MCCs. These codes...
Breadcrumbs merchant-category-codes /resources / mcc.jsonTop File metadata and controls Code Blame 3930 lines (3930 loc) · 80.4 KB Raw [ { "id": "0742", "description": "Veterinary Services" }, { "id": "0763", "description": "Agricultural Co-Operatives" }, { "id": "0780", "de...
Merchant category code list The following is a list of supported MCCs that you can use when creating connected accounts. You must contact Stripe to use a restricted MCC. 类别MCC A/C, Refrigeration Repairac_refrigeration_repair 7623 Accounting/Bookkeeping Servicesaccounting_bookkeeping_services 8931...
Merchant category code list The following is a list of supported MCCs that you can use when creating connected accounts. You must contact Stripe to use a restricted MCC. 类别MCC A/C, Refrigeration Repairac_refrigeration_repair 7623 Accounting/Bookkeeping Servicesaccounting_bookkeeping_services 8931...