Merchant Category Codes (MCC) are 4 digit numbers used by the payments industry to classify businesses by market segment.At WePay, we use a similar code to help us better understand your business. Below is the list of MCCs that we use to classify your merchants’ accounts. See the USDA ...
导读:MCC:Merchant Category Code,也称商户类别码。 一 什么是MCC? MCC:Merchant Category Code,也称商户类别码。 国际标准化组织 (ISO) 设定了MCC的含义和分类,由信用卡组织(Visa、Discover、American Express 和 Mastercard)分配给每家申请接受信用卡的企业的四位数编码。该编码与此公司提供的业务或服务类型相对应,...
Merchant category code list The following is a list of supported MCCs that you can use when creating connected accounts. You must contact Stripe to use a restricted MCC. KategoriMCC A/C, Refrigeration Repairac_refrigeration_repair 7623 Accounting/Bookkeeping Servicesaccounting_bookkeeping_services ...
5600–5699 Clothing stores 5700–7299 Miscellaneous stores 7300–7999 Business services 8000–8999 Professional services and membership organizations 9000–9999 Government services Within each category, you can find more detailed individual codes that narrow down more nuanced types of businesses, like parkin...
In any case, the way credit card networks identify your purchases depends on the merchant category code (MCC) they’re assigned. This guide will explain how merchant category codes work, where you can find this information and the ways knowing a business’s MCC can benefit you. ...
But, what is a merchant category code orMCC? Themerchant category codeis a 4-character number thatcredit card firmsuse to organize businesses into segments. The code shows the variousproducts or servicesa brand sells to customers. For companies that trade in both products and services,the catego...
Breadcrumbs merchant-category-codes /resources / mcc.jsonTop File metadata and controls Code Blame 3930 lines (3930 loc) · 80.4 KB Raw [ { "id": "0742", "description": "Veterinary Services" }, { "id": "0763", "description": "Agricultural Co-Operatives" }, { "id": "0780", "de...
Lookup Code Decoding Your MCC Code: How Merchant Category Codes Determine Merchant Status & More Learn More You know how different credit cards offer rewards in different categories? Gas, groceries, gym memberships... cardholders have abundant opportunities to earn cash back bonuses and other ...
Merchant category code list The following is a list of supported MCCs that you can use when creating connected accounts. You must contact Stripe to use a restricted MCC. 类别MCC A/C, Refrigeration Repairac_refrigeration_repair 7623 Accounting/Bookkeeping Servicesaccounting_bookkeeping_services 8931...
Merchant category code list The following is a list of supported MCCs that you can use when creating connected accounts. You must contact Stripe to use a restricted MCC. 类别MCC A/C, Refrigeration Repairac_refrigeration_repair 7623 Accounting/Bookkeeping Servicesaccounting_bookkeeping_services 8931...