This is a diesel Mercedes-Benz SLC. Apparently, 70 per cent of people who opt for a Benz roadster pick the 2.1-litre turbodiesel. After all, numbers like a claimed 64.2mpg and 114g/km are cleverer than a similarly-engined A-class. What it’s like? With the roof up (now operable at...
One green, the other silver. Set to go on sale in the UK later this year, it’s still on the same platform as the current car but has a revised interior that borrows techy bits from its bigger E and S-Class brothers. You’ve got a new digital display but the possibility to enhance...
· Clase SLC (R172) (desde 04/2016) Países incluidos: Albania, Andorra, Bósnia y Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Dinamarca, Alemania, Finanzas, Francia, Reino Unido (Inglaterra, Irlanda del Norte, Islas Normanas), Irlanda, Italia, Comercia Cómo instalar: (1). Quando el vehículo se apaga, ...