The driver of the Vision EQ Silver Arrow is encompassed by a large panoramic screen on which a 3D image of the surroundings is projected from behind. As a pointer to future possible charging technologies, the lane of the roadway on which inductive charging is possible is superimposed onto the ...
单车摩托车; 克尔维特; 林肯; 雷克萨斯; 阿斯顿·马丁; 汽车精选; Smart; 马自达; Hennessey; 名爵MG; Rinspeed; 捷豹; 保时捷; EQ Fortwo; 别克; 道奇; italdesign乔治亚罗; 捷豹Jaguar XF; 无限; 未来客车; 凯迪拉克; SUV; 电动卡车; Brabus巴博斯; 标致; 摩托车; Kia起亚; 摩托车; 梅赛德斯-奔驰; 宾利;...
At Pebble Beach in California, Mercedes-Benz is unveiling the Vision EQ Silver Arrow show car during Monterey Car Week.
在今年的圓石灘車展中,Mercedes Benz發表了一部以「銀箭」為名,充滿未來科技感的純電動概念跑車Mercedes-BenzVision EQ Silver Arrow;其中的銀色車身、單座以及流線低風阻的設計,就是為了向1937年突破寫下長達80年間無人突破最速傳奇的W125 Rekordwagen致敬。純電能的動力更是可以輸出約750匹的馬力輸出,並擁有400...
#奔驰# #概念车# Mercedes EQ Silver Arrow 银剑新篇章 [doge]
摘要 已经成为车坛经典的梅赛德斯一奔驰1937 W125 Silver Arrow赛车,当时所创下的成绩与纪录至今仍让许多车迷津津乐道.1937年发表之初最高时速已达300km/h。进入21世纪后,随着新能源与电动车概念被...展开更多 作者 王一鸣 出处 《世界汽车》 2018年第11期28-35,共8页 World Auto 关键词 流线 SILVER ...
The EQ Silver Arrow plunders real heritage (notInfiniti’s wish-we-were-therewistfulness) and applies an electrified spin to the record-breaking Benz single-seaters of the Thirties. Imagine, if you will, this design study as a fantasy future for Formula E. Oof. Yes please. ...
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The Rekordwagen's influence radiates from the EQ Silver Arrow. At more than 17 feet from nose to tail, it's longer than a Mercedes S-class, and its proportions are similar to those of the Depression-era record setter, with a short front overhang, a long hood, and a tapered, pointy ...
Mercedes-Benz Vision EQ Silver Arrow Concept Design Sketch Renderback to the article image 8 of 30 - 735 views Prev Next Latest Updates Review: New “3D Cars – Inside Out” Blender Course Stellantis launches annual Drive for Design contest Polestar 2024 Design Contest in collaboration with...