這次台灣賓士發表二代CLA Shooting Brake時,一次讓CLA200、CLA250、CLA35及CLA45 S等車全數出閘,其中最引人矚目的其實不是CLA45 S,而是牌價只和CLA250差距40萬元的CLA35。 名符其實的跑旅 若是預算滿檔,我絕對舉雙手贊成你直上CLA45 S Shooting Brake,畢竟小小一部車就身懷421hp輸出實在不簡單,但它可是比...
Mercedes-Benz_CLA-Shooting Brake.mp4 是在优酷播出的汽车高清视频,于2022-04-21 00:05:53上线。视频内容简介:Mercedes-Benz_CLA-Shooting Brake.mp4
Mercedes-Benz CLA shooting brake caught testing in Europehttps://www.facebook.com/roadandtrack
CLA 45 S 4MATIC+ Shooting Brake,这款新车不仅在命名上彰显其独特地位,更在外观设计上体现了其与众不同的性格。与6月初发布的CLA 35 Shooting Brake相比,45系列车型更显狂放不羁,全身散发着顶级性能车的魅力。全新45车系特有的Panamericana直瀑式水箱罩、前保险杆气坝的加大设计、四出排气尾管以及车尾下扰流...
CLA 45 Shooting Brake动力同样分为两种版本,搭载Mercedes - AMG全新开发代号M139的2.0升四缸双涡流涡轮增压引擎,标准版本就有387hp马力与49kgm的扭力,若是顶级性能 S版最大输出可来到目前市售四缸引擎最大的421hp马力、51kgm扭力,当今最强四缸毋庸置疑!
the idea of an AMG ‘35’, but already, Mercedes has pumped out four of the things. It started with theA35 hatchback, which was soon followed by theA35 saloon. Then it was the turn of theCLA 35, and just in case that wasn’t niche enough, we now have this CLA 35 Shooting Brake...
Numerous updates make the CLA and CLA Shooting Brake from Mercedes-AMG even more desirable. The new exterior design is particularly striking on the CLA 35 4MATIC Coupé and CLA 35 4MATIC Shooting Brake. Both entry-level models have been given an AMG-specific radiator grille with vertical slats,...
The new exterior design is particularly striking on the CLA 35 4MATIC Coupé and CLA 35 4MATIC Shooting Brake. Both entry-level models have been given an AMG-specific radiator grille with vertical slats...
爱给网提供海量的创意片库资源素材免费下载, 本次作品为mp4 格式的CLA Shooting Brake-防撞辅助系统升级版-梅赛德斯-奔驰原装(CLA Shooting Brake- COLLISION PREVENTION ASSIST PLUS - Mercedes-Benz original), 本站编号40222526, 该创意片库素材大小为67m, 时长为02分 47秒, 分辨率为1280*720, 作者为rico100, ...
Already the fifth model in the compact class, the new CLA 35 4MATIC Shooting Brake is the latest point of entry to the world of Mercedes-AMG. The five-door model combines the powerful proportions of a sporty coupé with the decisive extra functionality thanks to the extended roof, the large...