首先,让我们了解一下Mercedes-Benz Sprinter 4x4的基本情况。这款车型是一款非常实用的多用途车,拥有宽敞的内部空间和强大的四驱系统,可以满足各种不同的运输和越野需求。由于其高底盘设计,Sprinter 4x4可以轻松应对各种复杂路况,为驾驶员和乘客提供更加稳定和安全的驾驶体验。但是,对于一些需要更低底盘高度的用户来...
Mercedes-Benz Sprinter 4x4:低顶版更适合,与后驱高顶版相当! 作为一款四驱版本的Mercedes-Benz Sprinter,其底盘高度比传统的后驱版本要高一些。然而,即使是这样,选择低顶版的Sprinter 4x4仍然是一个不错的选择。接下来,我们将详细介绍这款车型的特点和优势。 首先,让我们了解一下Mercedes-Benz Sprinter 4x4的基本情况...
Mercedes-Benz Sprinter 2500 4x4全地形露營車,真是香阿 當你露營到某種程度後,相信一定會想要購買一輛露營車,而露營車除了有原廠配置好的之外,還有專門店家自行升級之作,就像是Jayco這個品牌。這家總部位於印第安那州的房車製作公司,以大量改裝大型房車、旅行拖車而聞名,此次他們的新作品是針對一輛賓士箱型車進行改...
As is the case with the Sprinter 4×4, the all-wheel drive is based on Mercedes-Benz’s electronic traction system 4ETS. The main difference is that the Vito 4×4 has a permanent all-wheel-drive system. Although all-wheel drive does not transform the van into an off-roader, it does...
Sprinter Mercedes-Benz Sprinter Driving Comfort Upgrade On the construction site, for shuttle operations or as the base vehicle for motorhomes Words Paul Davidson July 19, 2021 Sprinter Celebrating 25 Years of the Mercedes-Benz Sprinter Words Anna James October 14, 2020 Sprinter Why You...
后轮驱动仍然是默认设置,但对于露营车爱好者来说,Sprinter仍然可以配置四个驱动轮。到2023年,Sprinter将采用更像汽车的全轮驱动系统,取代之前的分时四轮驱动设置。 新系统像梅赛德斯乘用车中使用的4MATIC系统一样是自动的,因此不需要像旧系统那样手动切换到4x4模式。在以前的系统有 35/65% 的前/后扭矩分配的地方,新...
#特殊车辆# Mercedes-Benz Sprinter 419 4X4,少见的双侧滑门货车。 û收藏 转发 评论 ñ2 评论 o p 同时转发到我的微博 按热度 按时间 正在加载,请稍候... 汽车博主 Ü 简介: 防弹车超话主持人。专注于分享有意思的车型、防弹车、特种车的纯粹汽车微博。 更多a 微关系...
Mercedes-Benz has announced the introduction of the 2014 Sprinter 4x4. Developed for “professionals rather than the boulevard”, the brand new addition to the Sprinter lineup promises to make life as easy as possible for the driver in the harshest condition in the depths of winter. Equipped wi...
MERCEDES BENZ SPRINTER 4-t Box (904) 412 D 4x4 General Type_Descr:MERCE SPRINTER 4-t Box (904) 412 D 4x4 Drive Type:All-wheel Drive Technical Data Output [kW]:85 Output [HP]:115 Cylinder:5 Valves per Cylinder:2 Engine Type:Diesel Fuel Type:Diesel Fuel Mixture Formation:Direct Injectio...
Mercedes-Benz 2025 Mercedes-Benz Sprinter 4x4. The eSprinter still is exclusively a Cargo Van, but the regular Sprinter can be had as a Cargo Van, a Crew Van (seating up to five), a Passenger Van (seating up to 15), or a Cab Chassis configuration. All Sprinters gain new features for...