Mercedes-Benz x Heron Preston联名系列2021-08-31 0 Mercedes-Benz与设计师Heron Preston的联名系列正式公开,为庆祝Mercedes-Benz安全气囊40周年打造了设计车款以及相关服饰系列。 via:mercedesbenz/ thibautgrevet 0 上一篇 从奥运冠军到全球流行文化符号,拳王阿里对「冠军精神」进行了最佳诠释 下...
Mercedes-Benz 与时尚潮流以及艺术等等领域的跨界联名已经屡见不鲜,早前与 Virgil Abloh 的「大 G」至今令人印象深刻,日前 Mercedes-Benz 携手设计师 Heron Preston 打造的全新企划也将在明日揭晓。本次双方合作的主题为「安全气囊」,Mercedes-Benz 在 40 年前发明的安全气囊大大提升了汽车驾驶的安全性,也造福了一...
为了纪念 Mercedes-Benz 安全气囊专利诞生 40 周年,品牌特别邀请设计师 Heron Preston 以此为灵感打造特别企划,经过预告后,双方在今天完整释出本辑系列。Heron Preston 选择了 Mercedes-Benz 测试报废的气囊材料为服装物料,设计出可以充气放气的外套夹克,呼应气囊对驾驶安全保障的同时也呼吁能够将废弃材料二次利用;外套仅...
在线看heron preston x mercedes benz 31秒。2 1月 2023的高清视频,VK免费视频库免注册! 2 — 已浏览。
Kanghyuk 的设计初衷,是因为被这种人造材料吸引,于是全球回收「安全气囊」,对其进行解构拼接,Heron Preston 在本次联名中,也极依赖奔驰提供的「安全气囊」; 无论Heron Preston 是否借鉴了 Kanghyuk 的美学,我们本次聊的重点,是作为时尚单位的Mercedes Benz; ...
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The customer is the focal point. This has always been rule number one for Mercedes-Benz and it will gain even greater emphasis going forward.Mercedes-Benz x Heron Preston Airbag Concept Collection; Thibaut Grevet for Mercedes-Benz How has your competition evolved over the past 24 months? Where...
Heron Preston Unveils Airbag Concept Collection With Mercedes-Benz The collaboration includes looks made with recycled airbag materials as well as commercial merchandise, which… By Tianwei Zhang Aug 31, 2021, 12:01am Business Marketing and Promotion Palace Races Into Motorsport, Partnering With...
The “London to Brighton Veteran Car Run”, held in the anniversary year of the automobile, will be symbolically opened by Jutta Benz, the great-granddaughter of Carl Benz, inventor of the automobile. She will be driving a replica of the 1886 Benz Patent-Motorwagen. This is...
Their team mates Bjoern Waldegaard and Hans Thorszelius, Andrew Cowan and Klaus Kaiser as well as Vic Preston Jr. and Mike Doughty finished 2nd, 3rd and 4th. In 1980, this success was followed by a one-two victory of the Mercedes-Benz 500 SLC rally car in the Bandama Rall...