5.梅赛德斯-奔驰SL 73 AMG(85辆) 梅赛德斯-奔驰 SL73 AMG引擎为M120型号,M120系列从1992年生产至今,虽年纪渐长但一直是奔驰高性能引擎的代表之作,三种制式排量:6.0L、6.9L、7.3L,其中7.3L排量至今依然为排量最大的AMG引擎。双节流阀结构、燃油顺序式喷射、机电控制,60度 V12引擎,8000转峰值马力750hp,峰值扭矩...
A Mercedes-Benz M120 V12 engine would be at the heart of the car, mounted behind the cockpit. The bodywork would be made entirely of carbon fibre, and would feature many aerodynamic design elements and cooling openings in order to survive on the race track.To test the CLK GTR before the...
CLK-GTR的动力系统来自部分,我们不讨论赛车版LS600引擎(V12)和LM版上使用的GT108B引擎(V8),因为那些无论性能还是特性都跟街车完全不同,这里只介绍公路版使用的M297 V12引擎。为了这台代号W297的CLK-GTR,奔驰特地将原有的、也就是国内车迷熟悉的“虎头奔S600”(W140)上的那台M120 V12引擎进行扩缸,排气量扩充...
Benz V12. Being $138,000.00 also left very few people willing to really push it to its limits. BMW, Jag and other V12s are not even close to these in power. Only today are the newer Benz with a blower or twin turbos doing what this car did years before. This car will still ...
Bid for the chance to own a 38k-Mile 1993 Mercedes-Benz 600SEL at auction with Bring a Trailer, the home of the best vintage and classic cars online. Lot #27,230.
The 6.0-liter M120 V12 is paired with a four-speed automatic transmission. An oil change was last performed in November 2019. The Carfax report shows one entry in November 2019 and no accidents or other issues. https://vimeo.com/390347504 ...
除却AMG车身改装套件、轮圈和形形色色的AMG饰物,S600 AMG还有一副6.0公升V12傍身。引擎本身使用了新型活塞、凸轴轮、连杆和ECU,动力由是增至439bhp。没有人知道厂方为日本造了多少部S600 AMG,但江湖有传少于一百。 W140 S-Class(编号M120)所配的V12曾经显赫一时,就算放诸今天依然赫赫有名。除却任何转速之下...
记得年轻时看那些当年的汽车杂志报道它时,那种平顺且毫无突兀感的线条造型,还有背后那台M120 V12引擎,无一不是当时对超级跑车定义的最好诠释,当大多数人跟笔者一样期待它量产、而也在车厂收到了700份订单后,车厂最终还是决定:它只能成为博物馆里的一件展品。
动力类型: 汽油 变速箱类型: 手自一体(AT) 0-100km/h加速时间: 7.9s 最高车速: 245km/h 保修政策: 3年不限里程 发动机: 2.0T L 4缸 涡轮增压 最大功率/最大扭矩: 155kW/350N.m 混合工况油耗[L/100km]: 7.0 环保标准: 国五更多参数>更多...