Mercedes-Benz 北京奔驰 GLA 22款 改款 GLA 200 北京奔驰 GLA 24款 GLA 220 商品介绍完善信息 厂商指导价:27.18-39.9万 排量: 1.6T 2.0T 油耗: 6.5-7.3L 规格查看更多 上市时间 2020-09-07 动力类型 汽油 发动机 1.3T 直列 4缸 涡轮增压 最高车速(km/h) ...
Mercedes-Benz GLA Overview The GLA is the smallest of the Mercedes SUVs. Along with the A-Class Limousine, it completes the brand's two-pronged attack at the entry-level luxury space, and like that car, it is based on the brand's second-generation MFA platform. It is available in GLA...
MERCEDES-BENZ NEW GLA 不再剑走偏锋,日前,奔驰官方正式发布了旗下全新一代海外版GLA车型。新车型预计在2020年第一季度在欧洲首发上市,并在稍后时间登陆美国市场。而目前虽然没有明确中国市场的上市时间,但是按照奔驰对于中国市场的重视程度,相信也不会让中国的消费者等太久。 MERCEDES-BENZ NEW GLA 不再剑走偏锋,...
The Mercedes-AMG GLA-class brings potent performance to an entry-level crossover, but it comes at the expense of comfort.
2025 Mercedes-AMG GLA-Class 8.5 /10 C/D RATING Starting at $59,200 EPA MPG 24combined C/D SAYS:The Mercedes-AMG GLA-class brings potent performance to an entry-level crossover, but it comes at the expense of comfort.Learn More
与其他 NGCC 成员一样,全新一代的 GLA 车型采用了 Mercedes-Benz 的 MFA 前驱模组化平台打造,在该底盘架构下将会拥有更为出色的车体刚性,预计操控表现会比现行 GLA 还要更好。因为同样基于 MFA 平台打造,因此相信 2020 GLA 将会完全和 A-Class 共享动力配置,包括了全新开发的1.33L和2.0L涡轮增压引擎,在1.33L的...
2020 Mercedes-Benz GLA Review Overview When you want to venture into the wild but you don’t have an invitation you need a vehicle you can count on. You need a Mercedes-Benz GLA SUV. Choose from two models: the GLA 250 and the GLA 250 4MATIC. When the stoplight turns red your GLA ...
开GLA不丢人吧!但贴个GLS就显得很low了 0 2 来自什么值得买 2023-03-11 品牌 Mercedes-Benz/北京奔驰 5人关注 北京奔驰汽车有限公司(简称北京奔驰)成立于2005年8月8日,是北京汽车股份有限公司与戴姆勒股份公司、戴姆勒大中华区投资有限公司共同投资,集研发、发动机与整车生产、销售和售后服务为一体的中德合资企...
The Mercedes-Benz GLA-Class offers an exceptionally plush ride, with a cabin that has been redesigned to align with its more upscale siblings. Perfectly sized and positioned for the Indian entry-level premium market, it provides a harmonious blend of luxury and practicality. Despite the general ...