Au cours de cette capsule Sur la route, le journaliste du Guide de l’auto Sylvain Raymond donne ses impressions sur le Mercedes-Benz EQC, qu’il a conduit sur les routes de la Norvège, où les ventes de véhicules électriques battent sans cesse des records.S...
Mercedes is joining the list of automakers ready to take Tesla's lunch money.Its EQC electric all-wheel-drive crossover is roughly the size of the compact GLC, with e-motors mounted front and rear and an underfloor battery pack that will be rated between 70 and 75 kW-hr once final ...
EQC Mercedes-Benz EQC 400 4MATIC – Gallery Words Jim Davis January 14, 2020 EQC Mercedes-Benz EQC – The Eco-Friendly Gear Hauler Words Tobias Schmidt November 18, 2019 EQC The Mercedes-Benz EQC Photo Gallery Words Lukas Altenhofen May 16, 2019 EQC An Electric Car that Excel...
The Mercedes-Benz EQC wasn't the quickest pick in its class, but it would have been an excellent choice for an electrified SUV that rates highly for comfort and luxury.
Mercedes-Benz 北京奔驰 EQC 20款 EQC 400 4MATIC 值法 行业标杆豪华品牌新能源车中的标杆之一 商品介绍完善信息 奔驰EQC定位中型纯电动SUV,车身的长宽高分别为4774/14890/1622mm,轴距为2873mm。EQC是奔驰的首款纯电动车,代表着奔驰进军新能源车市场的决心。
本次推出的EQC 4x4 为Mercedes-Benz 旗下第三款4x4 越野车家族作品,第一款是2015 年9 月起开始生产的G 500 4x4,第二款则是2017 年登场的E 400 All-Terrain 4x4 研究用概念车。国内市场方面,台湾宾士于2020世界新车大展时展出EQC并公布引进编成与建议售价,分别是EQC 400 4MATIC Electric Art 及...
继日前宣告将以「EQ」之名跨向电动领域的Mercedes-Benz,终于在今日正式推出首款纯电动量产休旅车「EQC」,在崭新的动力架构下,不仅拥有0-100km/ h 加速「5.1秒」的表现,续航力更达到「450km」!Mercedes-Benz EQC 属于EQ 车系中的首款产品,定位有如BMW i 车系、以及尚未问世的Audi e-tron(预计于9/17...
而Mercedes-Benz 在 2020 年台北世界新車大展中除了打造 Mercedes-Benz【The Future is Now】迎接台北城市主題之外,電能子品牌 EQ 首部量產車款 EQC 線上預購也正式起跑, 兩款車型 EQC 400 4MATIC ELECTRIC ART 與 EQC 400 4MATIC 運動版正 式進軍豪華電動休旅車市場。
Mercedes-BenzConcept Vehicles Safety is at the Forefront of the New Mercedes-Benz EQC At the most advanced crash test center in the world, vehicles that include prototypes with large electric batteries are tested under harsh crash conditions. Words Thomas Philips December 11, 2018 AMG GT ...
2020 Mercedes-Benz EQC 400 - first drive - Norway, May 2019 Mercedes-Benz already is known for quiet and vault-like. But because road noise is more noticeable in electric cars without the engine sounds to distract your focus, there’s an additional suite of noise-a...