新款奔驰CLS并没有延续老款车型的设计风格,在同时借鉴概念车F800与经典老爷车300SL的诸多元素后,宽大高耸的车头带来了更加硬朗的视觉效果,而车侧线条在遵循老款优雅弧线的同时,融入了更多运动元素,据称设计师的灵感来源于猫蓄势待发的动感线条。 奔驰CLS级是德国戴姆勒集团旗下品牌梅赛德斯-奔驰在2004年第74届日内瓦车...
Mercedes-Benz 奔驰 CLS级 23款 改款 CLS 300 豪华型 值法 高端秀灵感来源于猫蓄势待发的动感线条 商品介绍完善信息 新款奔驰CLS并没有延续老款车型的设计风格,在同时借鉴概念车F800与经典老爷车300SL的诸多元素后,宽大高耸的车头带来了更加硬朗的视觉效果,而车侧线条在遵循老款优雅弧线的同时,融入了更多运动元素...
Mercedes Benz A-Class Car Prices In Singapore Mercedes Benz C-Class Car Prices In Singapore Mercedes Benz CL-Class Car Prices In Singapore Mercedes Benz CLS-Class Car Prices In Singapore Mercedes Benz E-Class Car Prices In Singapore Mercedes Benz G-Class Car Prices In Singapore Mercedes Benz GL...
CLS初代在2010年中旬停产,第二代(C218型)在2011年初登场,并且带来了更加前卫的猎装款式。根据官方数据,CLS初代产量在17万台左右,在它诞生后,还启发了其他汽车品牌,例如大众就紧跟着推出了CC(2008年)、奥迪A7(2009年)等车型,保时捷则推出了Panamera。 ↑ 换装了迈巴赫轮圈的奔驰CLS二代猎装版/Mercedes-Benz X218 S...
Mercedes Benz A-Class Car Prices In Japan Mercedes Benz C-Class Car Prices In Japan Mercedes Benz CL-Class Car Prices In Japan Mercedes Benz CLS-Class Car Prices In Japan Mercedes Benz E-Class Car Prices In Japan Mercedes Benz G-Class Car Prices In Japan Mercedes Benz S-Class Car Prices...
MG > es > CLS > LS > Mercedes-Benz > rc > CL > 2024-08-28 19:09:041684播放 内容由作者提供,不代表易车立场网友评论 已有7 人参与评论 登录易车,写下您的槽点 你好! 发布 0/500 战士屠日 08-29 8 掉帧 举报 幸运57005 08-29 7 发现一辆车无牌照上路 举报 天人你哥哥 09-04 3 ...
The Mercedes-Benz CLS-Class is a form-first art piece that just so happens to provide the practicality of a chic four-door sedan.
Along with the recently introducedCLE, the swoopy Mercedes-Benz CLA Coupe owes much of its design inspiration, including its overall shape and forward-leaning, shark-nose grille, to the now-discontinued full-sizeCLSfour-door coupe. Shrink-wrapping the CLS shape around a subcompact platform results...
If you're wanting a higher-performance version of the Mercedes-Benz CLS, the 2020 Mercedes-AMG CLS53 is the place to start. Tuned by the AMG division, the all-wheel-drive CLS53 features a turbocharged and electrically supercharged version of Benz's latest inline-six-cylinder engine with an...
Mercedes-Benz CLS 350 规格 车身尺码:4,988x1,890x1,429mm 轴距:2,939mm 引擎:2.0 升缸内直喷涡轮+48V 轻油电 变速箱:9 速手自排 最大马力:299hp/5,800-6,100rpm,48V 额外输出14hp 最大扭力:400Nm/3,000-4,000rpm 0-100km/h 加速:6.1 秒 ...