全新Mercedes-AMG GT Roadster 軟頂篷開啟的不只是一抹晴空 – 同時更能讓您深刻感受 AMG 4.0 升 V8 雙渦輪增壓引擎的聲浪。由一位 AMG 工程師親手打造,這具引擎不僅能產生驚人動力,同時也擁有無可比擬的渾厚聲浪。
With the AMG GT C Roadster, Mercedes-AMG is introducing a further output level of the 4.0-litre V8 biturbo, thereby underlining the exclusive character of the new model. At 410 kW (557 hp), the peak output is 35 kW (47 hp) above that of the AMG GT S and 20 kW (28 hp) below ...
Mercedes-AMG GT唯一缺少的是它没有丢失的东西 - 一个可伸缩的车顶。梅赛德斯现在正在通过AMG GT R Roadster解决这个问题,将世界级的豪华豪华旅行车与露天汽车相结合。 4升双涡轮增压V8与GT R相同,功率为577马力,在3.5秒内从0-60推动下降,最高速度为197英里/小时。主动
ROADSTERRoadster敞篷跑车车型标准版GTC自从2016年AMG推出GT车型以后一共推出了4款车型,分别为标准版GT,GT S,GT C和GT R,但其派生车型敞篷版的Roadster却迟迟没什么动静,只是不冷不热地保持着GT和GTC两款,但敞篷跑车的用户们却对此并不满意,于是AMG方面终于推出了Roadster的高性能版车型GT S.None...
The compound technology (AMG GT and AMG GT Roadster: integral brake disks on rear axle) improves resistance to fading even under extreme conditions and reduces unsprung masses on the wheel. AMG DYNAMIC SELECT drive programs “Slippery”, “Comfort”, “Sport”, “Sport+” and “Indi...
The new Roadsters make hallmark AMG driving performance an even more intensive experience. In the entry-level model, the AMG GT Roadster, the AMG 4.0‑litre V8 biturbo unit produces an output of 350 kW (476 hp). Boasting an even more striking and dynamic appearance, the AMG GT C Ro...
魅力敞篷一镜到底丨Mercedes AMG GTC Roadster@头条号 发布于2022.10.17 19:08 次播放Maybach1632 关注0人2391粉丝关注 评论·0 提交评论 暂无更多评论 热门视频 © 2025 懂车帝 www.dongchedi.com 渝公网安备50010502503425号 渝ICP备2023013619号-7 增值电信业务经营许可证(告渝B2-20230001)广播电视节目制作经营许...
So out of the blue, AMG has come up with a car nobody asked for. The 2019 Mercedes-AMG GT S Roadster fills a gap that didn’t really exist between the GT andGT Cvariants of the Roadster. It’s the model for those who find the 470 hp of the GT too little and the 550 hp of...
+关注 侃爷说车 22-12-8 16:15 发布于 广东 来自 微博weibo.com Mercedes Benz AMG GT R Roadster 1/750#汽车资讯# û收藏 257 218 ñ449 评论 o p 同时转发到我的微博 按热度 按时间 正在加载,请稍候...汽车...
面對Mercedes Benz SLS AMG即將停產的消息,如果您認為它的熱潮即將衰退,那可就稍有誤解。對於鍾愛Mercedes Benz的頂尖買家或改裝車迷來說,搶購限量350部的SLS AMG GT Final Edition乃當前首要課題,改裝車迷則是積極購入現有車款進行改裝工程。今天帶給各位一部由御用改