2018 Mercedes-Benz AMG GT C specs, 0-60, quarter mile, lap times, price, top speed, engine specifications, pictures, updated January 2025.
The Mercedes-AMG GT Coupe returned for the 2024 model year after a brief hiatus. It's a serious sports car that shares its DNA with the sexy Mercedes-AMG SL convertible. The two top GT models pack a twin-turbo 4.0-liter V-8 and standard all-wheel drive. Model year 2025 sees the lin...
2017 Mercedes-Benz AMG GT R specs, 0-60, quarter mile, lap times, price, top speed, engine specifications, pictures, updated February 2025.
AMG GT的品质也是一流的,无论是做工还是细节,都展现出了高品质的追求。👌 开它上路,无论是市区还是高速,都能感受到那份稳定和安心。🛣️ 【价值】 虽然价格有点高,但考虑到它的性能和品质,绝对物超所值。💸 开着它上路,那种自信和满足感是无法用金钱衡量的。🌟 总结:AMG GT,不仅是辆车,更是一种...
Mercedes-Benz AMG GT S 0-60 mph, quarter mile (1/4 mile), top speed, 0-100 kph and 73 other acceleration times
Mercedes-AMG 发布全新车型 2025 AMG GT 63 S E PERFORMANCE,搭载手工打造的 AMG 4L V8 双涡轮增压发动机和电动机,最大功率达 805 马力,从 0 加速到 60 英里/小时仅需 2.7 秒,其混合动力系统采用轻质高性能电池,并配备先进的操控和制动系统。该车型预计将于 2024 年底在美国上市。
Mercedes - AMG One 0-60 mph, quarter mile (1/4 mile), top speed, 0-100 kph and 62 other acceleration times
reveals the 2013 SLS AMG GT, an improved version of predecessor SLS AMG. The new model features V8 engine with 583hp accelerating 0-60 in 3.6 second. The SLS AMG GT get totally new adaptive performance suspension, 19-inch alloy wheels on the front and 20-inch size on the back. As far...
AMG GT 63 S E Performance arrives in the US with 831 hp and a PHEV twin-turbo V8. Performance remains extreme with 0-60 mph in 2.8 seconds and a 197 mph top speed. Pricing is still unconfirmed but will slot above the GT 43 and GT 53 models. ...
0-60英里/小时 4.8秒 最高速度 155英里/小时 燃油经济性 22/29/25英里/加仑 问题是,要继承这一传统是有代价的,尤其是当你购买新车时。一辆全新的AMG-GT甚至不能低于100,000美元,而一辆实用的AMGE53轿车至少要花费88,000美元。你可以买二手车来解决这个问题,但这与从经销商那里买一辆崭新的、引以为豪的...